Resouce settings cannot be saved/updated
We use OWA to add mailbox users to a resource calendar settings. It states "Your changes were not saved because of a Microsoft Exchange error" upon clicking on the save button. The resources were set up in Exchange 2007 and now the only difference is that we upgrade the system to SP1. We're wondering whether it is the cause.We appreciate anyone who can shed some light.
December 16th, 2008 7:26pm

Hi Famexp -Have you checked your system and application logs on the server(s) running your CAS role that host OWA? I would start there. I am also running Exchange 2007 SP1 and do not experience this issue, so I dont think it's related to SP1.Thanks,NickNick Cozby
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December 18th, 2008 7:43pm

Issue description: Resource mailboxs calendar settings cannot be changed with error Your changes were not saved because of a Microsoft Exchange error Troubleshooting: 1. What kind of setting do you try to set, please describe the condition 2. Please go to EMC, right-click the problematic resource mailbox and select Manage Full Access Permission, see if the user who set these changes has to permission 3. Does the issue only happen to single resource mailbox or all? Please test it Notes: Verify if its a mailbox issue 4. Please try to set the changes by cmdlet [Set-MailboxCalendarSettings] 5. Please if its a OWA issue, check the settings in the OWA virtual server Get-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "ServerName\owa (default web site)" ============ (The below is the output in my lab) Name : owa (Default Web Site) WebSite : Default Web Site DisplayName : owa DirectFileAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled : True DirectFileAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled : True WebReadyDocumentViewingOnPublicComputersEnabled : True WebReadyDocumentViewingOnPrivateComputersEnabled : True ForceWebReadyDocumentViewingFirstOnPublicComputers : False ForceWebReadyDocumentViewingFirstOnPrivateComputers : False RemoteDocumentsActionForUnknownServers : Block ActionForUnknownFileAndMIMETypes : ForceSave WebReadyFileTypes : {.xlsx, .pptx, .docx, .xl s, .rtf, .ppt, .pps, .pdf , .dot, .doc} WebReadyMimeTypes : {application/vnd.openxmlf ormats-officedocument.pre sentationml.presentation, application/vnd.openxmlf ormats-officedocument.wor dprocessingml.document, a pplication/vnd.openxmlfor mats-officedocument.sprea dsheetml.sheet, applicati on/, app lication/x-mspowerpoint, application/, application/x-msexcel, a pplication/msword, applic ation/pdf} WebReadyDocumentViewingForAllSupportedTypes : True WebReadyDocumentViewingSupportedMimeTypes : {application/msword, appl ication/, app lication/x-msexcel, appli cation/, application/x-mspowerpoi nt, application/pdf, appl ication/vnd.openxmlformat s-officedocument.wordproc essingml.document, applic ation/vnd.openxmlformats- officedocument.spreadshee tml.sheet, application/vn d.openxmlformats-officedo cument.presentationml.pre sentation} WebReadyDocumentViewingSupportedFileTypes : {.doc, .dot, .rtf, .xls, .ppt, .pps, .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx} AllowedFileTypes : {.rpmsg, .xlsx, .xlsm, .x lsb, .tiff, .pptx, .pptm, .ppsx, .ppsm, .docx, .do cm, .zip, .xls, .wmv, .wm a, .wav...} AllowedMimeTypes : {image/jpeg, image/png, i mage/gif, image/bmp} ForceSaveFileTypes : {.vsmacros, .ps2xml, .ps1 xml, .mshxml, .gadget, .p sc2, .psc1, .aspx, .wsh, .wsf, .wsc, .vsw, .vst, . vss, .vbs, .vbe...} ForceSaveMimeTypes : {Application/x-shockwave- flash, Application/octet- stream, Application/futur esplash, Application/x-di rector} BlockedFileTypes : {.vsmacros, .msh2xml, .ms h1xml, .ps2xml, .ps1xml, .mshxml, .gadget, .mhtml, .psc2, .psc1, .msh2, .ms h1, .aspx, .xml, .wsh, .w sf...} BlockedMimeTypes : {application/x-javascript , application/javascript, application/msaccess, x- internet-signup, text/jav ascript, application/xml, application/prg, applica tion/hta, text/scriplet, text/xml} RemoteDocumentsAllowedServers : {sgc} RemoteDocumentsBlockedServers : {} RemoteDocumentsInternalDomainSuffixList : {} FolderPathname : Url : {} InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Basic, Fba} LogonFormat : FullDomain ClientAuthCleanupLevel : High DefaultDomain : BasicAuthentication : True DigestAuthentication : False WindowsAuthentication : False FormsAuthentication : True GzipLevel : Low MetabasePath : IIS:// ROOT/owa FilterWebBeaconsAndHtmlForms : UserFilterChoice NotificationInterval : 120 DefaultTheme : UserContextTimeout : 60 ExchwebProxyDestination : VirtualDirectoryType : OwaVersion : Exchange2007 RedirectToOptimalOWAServer : True DefaultClientLanguage : 0 LogonAndErrorLanguage : 0 UseGB18030 : False UseISO885915 : False OutboundCharset : AutoDetect CalendarEnabled : True ###All Parameters here is True### RecoverDeletedItemsEnabled : True Path : C:\Program Files\Microsof t\Exchange Server\ClientA ccess\owa Server : SGC InternalUrl : ExternalUrl : ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Fba} AdminDisplayName : ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0) DistinguishedName : CN=owa (Default Web Site) ,CN=HTTP,CN=Protocols,CN= SGC,CN=Servers,CN=Exchang e Administrative Group (F YDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Admini strative Groups,CN=Organi zation,CN=Microsoft Excha nge,CN=Services,CN=Config uration,DC=SG,DC=com Identity : SGC\owa (Default Web Site ) Guid : 224bf147-99f0-4c8a-a704-a 511b01bfee9 ObjectCategory : ma/ms-Exch-OWA-Virtual-Di rectory ObjectClass : {top, msExchVirtualDirect ory, msExchOWAVirtualDire ctory} WhenChanged : 10/29/2008 12:32:46 PM WhenCreated : 5/7/2008 3:13:29 PM OriginatingServer : IsValid : True Notes: You may able to narrow down the root cause based on the steps above
December 19th, 2008 5:48am

Hi, Famexp. How's the issue now? Does the issue being solved?
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December 24th, 2008 6:03am

Hi, Famexp, I assume the question has been answered, and I'd like to change the status to "Marked as answer", please feel free to post here if you have any update
December 25th, 2008 4:08am

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