Resource Booking (i.e. Equipment)
I am looking for away to create resources that can then be used through Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2010. The idea is the exact same as creating rooms for scheduling conferences or what not, but this if for actual equipment items such as projectors and laptops. I may be in the wrong forum and if so please direct me to the correct one. Thank you in advance for all of your help. Ryan
July 2nd, 2012 1:25pm

Hi You can create resource/equipment mailboxes in the same way as room mailboxes. See here: Lots of detail here: Steve
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July 2nd, 2012 1:49pm

Do you have to create a separate mailbox for each piece of equipment?
July 2nd, 2012 2:01pm

Well, after reading it does seem to me that you need a different mailbox for each piece of equipment. My question is now how are these mailboxes managed? Will they automatically delete only messages or will it fill up to the max of 2Gb we have set and then lock up until someone clears them all???
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July 2nd, 2012 2:41pm

>>>>Well, after reading it does seem to me that you need a different mailbox for each piece of equipment. My question is now how are these mailboxes managed? Please refer to >>>>Will they automatically delete only messages or will it fill up to the max of 2Gb we have set and then lock up until someone clears them all??? No, it won't clear automatically. We need to create delegate to delete message manually or create a Managed Folder Mailbox Policy to delege msg automatically. Refer to: Liao TechNet Community Support
July 3rd, 2012 3:38am

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