Resource Dialog Box not showing up
Hi everyone,
Hey guys,
I'm created an exchange mailbox called called Testing room to allow users to book a room for discussing various issues during meetings. In my office we have several conferences rooms which users can book the rooms using their Outlook calendar. When a user books
a room a resource booked dialog box shows up saying that the room has been booked successfully for the other conferences room.
However the "Resourced booked dialog box" doesn't show up when the user books a meeting named testing room. I found an article on the Microsoft website regarding deleting a certain registry key to get the dialog box. I tried deleting the key and the key
wasn't in the folder specified in the instructions. I was wondering if someone can tell me why a user can book the other conferences rooms and the dialog box shows up but in "testing room" the box doesn't show up. We compared exchange server and outlook settings
and everything seems to be configured properly. Thank You
June 22nd, 2011 12:16pm
Can you just move this mailbox into other databse and check ?. Check If the Resource Booking Attendant is enabled, it uses the booking policies to determine if incoming requests will be accepted or declined.
Enable or Disable Automatic Booking on a Resource Mailbox: MCC 2011,ITIL V3,MCSA 2003,MCTS 2010, My Blog :
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June 22nd, 2011 12:44pm
Hi Anil,
Thanks for the reply Anil. I forgot to mention that we are running Exchange 2003 with Outlook 2003. Will the above solution work for 2003 even though the article is for exchange 2010?
June 23rd, 2011 10:44am
The article Anil gives can’t apply to Exchange 2003. In Exchange 2003, it is achieved by auto accept agent-based
resource mailbox.
For more information, you can refer to the article
Exchange Server 2003 Auto Accept Agent.
Hope this helps.
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June 24th, 2011 2:05am