Resource Mailbox/Room/Calendar
Exchange 2007/Outlook 2007We currently used Public Folders for our Conference Room Calendars. I have now set up Resource Rooms via Exchange 2007 to be able to simulate what we formerly had in PF. My question is, how can we view this Conference Room as a Calendar now that it is a Resource? My users will want to look at the Conference Room in Calendar View. Is this possible? And is it really as complicated as it seems to set permissions as to who will be allowed "Author" permissions, and who "Editor" permissions, and who just "View" permissions? Is there a Whitepaper somewhere that speaks in these terms about this subject?Thanks.
January 23rd, 2010 12:01am
This is a good place to start: Resource MailboxesYou would add the mailbox the same as any delegated mailbox. Read the links above on how to handle permissions and mangement.
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January 23rd, 2010 2:45am
I had read this Technet article but it still does not say how to view the Resource Calendar in a Calendar View, nor does it explain how to migrate the calendar from Public Folders to the new Resource mailbox.
January 27th, 2010 5:39pm
The resource mailbox is just like any other delegated mailbox in the sense that you can simply open it within Outlook to view it.Simply open it as a shared calender. Ensure users have at least reviewer rights.You cant really migrate the calendars from public folders to mailboxes. You can copy all the data from the public folder to the mailbox calendar however.
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January 27th, 2010 6:19pm
Yes, this became clear to me after my post, but when I open the resource mailbox and look on the Calendar, there are no meetings even though I've scheduled meetings with that resource. The meetings are showing up on my personal calendar, but not on the Resource Mailbox Calendar. My BookInPolicy is at the default (which means Everyone can book) and AutoAccept is on. If the Calendar in that mailbox is the Conference Room Calendar, then why aren't the meetings showing up? Any ideas? I've also right-clicked on the Calendar of the Resource Mailbox and set the specific Properties/Permissions to include Author's and Editors. I assume this is the correct way, since there is no way to do this via the Exchange Management Shell.? Thanks so much, AlanD.
January 28th, 2010 4:54pm