Resource Mailbox issue
Ok, why not create a new group for the other users and add that one to the bookinpolicy too.
Set-MailboxCalendarSettings ROOMMailbox -BookInPolicy "Group 1","Group 2" -AllRequestInPolicy $False
Martina Miskovic
August 16th, 2012 1:42pm
Hi Guys,
I am having an issue with one of the resource mailboxes. I am running Exchange 2007 with outlook 2007 users. We have a Distribution List which contains over 800 people and they should be able to book that resource mailbox. So rather than adding the 800+
members separately I have added the DL to the list of people who can book that room. Now whenever someone in that DL sends a booking request the Mailbox doesn't respond if the booking is confirmed or not. It works fine for whoever not in that DL but still
added to the list of approved senders.
I am pretty new to exchange so please let me know if I needed to be doing something before I could have asked here. I googled and didn't get a hit on something related to mine.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
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August 17th, 2012 10:22am
Is the DL a universal group? If not, covert it to one and see if that makes a difference.
August 17th, 2012 10:27am
Can you also run the below command and post the output here?
Get-MailboxCalendarSettings <roommailbox> | fl AutomateProcessing,*policy*
Your Universal DL should be listed in "BookInpolicy". You mention approved senders and that setting in EMC/EMS will not work for meeting requests.Martina Miskovic
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August 17th, 2012 11:02am
[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Desktop>Get-MailboxCalendarS
ettings "ROOM" | fl AutomateProcessing,*policy*
AutomateProcessing : AutoAccept
RequestOutOfPolicy :
AllRequestOutOfPolicy : False
BookInPolicy :
AllBookInPolicy : True
RequestInPolicy :
AllRequestInPolicy : False
Thanks martina for the quick reply
August 17th, 2012 12:05pm
Hi A_D_
I am not understanding the term universal group. Does it mean is that DL open to everyone or if it's locked to only some senders.
I have now added the Room mailbox to be able to send email to the the DL. Waiting for update from my client.
Thanks for helping.
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August 17th, 2012 12:07pm
Universal refers to the type of group.
Managing Distribution Groups
August 17th, 2012 12:17pm
Universal refers to the type of group.
Managing Distribution Groups
Thanks for pointing me to it.
Yes in EMC the DL 'recipient type details' say 'Mail-Enabled Universal Distribution Group'.
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August 17th, 2012 12:25pm
If you want all members of the DL to be able to book the room and nobody else, you need to make the following settings.
Set-MailboxCalendarSettings ROOMMailbox -BookInPolicy <GroupName> -AllRequestInPolicy $False
Martina Miskovic
August 17th, 2012 12:27pm
If you want all members of the DL to be able to book the room and nobody else, you need to make the following settings.
Set-CMailboxCalendarSettings ROOMMailbox -BookInPolicy <GroupName> -AllRequestInPolicy $False
Martina Miskovic
But apart from the user's in that DL we have few more people who can book that room. I don't want to touch the existing user's . So is there a way to change the above script a bit for my request ?
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August 17th, 2012 12:42pm
May I ask why you need to have a restriction configured?
I mean...allowing 800 Users to book the room + "a few more". That makes me wonder how many that you plan to not allow to book this room.Martina Miskovic
August 17th, 2012 12:57pm
I know does sound crazy for me.. But that's what the guys want here.. and not much that I can do to change it.. appreciate your help...
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August 17th, 2012 1:05pm
Ok, why not create a new group for the other users and add that one to the bookinpolicy too.
Set-MailboxCalendarSettings ROOMMailbox -BookInPolicy "Group 1","Group 2" -AllRequestInPolicy $False
Martina Miskovic
August 17th, 2012 1:09pm