Resource Mailboxes, Cancelled Meetings and Delegates
We have set-up several Resource Mailboxes (with AutoAccept turned on) and assigned Delegates who have to Accept or Decline these resources. it is set-up to forward Meeting Requests to the Delegates.However if a meeting is cancelled that requested a Resource the Delegate is not informed of the Meeting Cancellation.Also if a Meeting is re-arranged, again the Delegate is not informed that the previous Meeting was cancelled and re-arranged for another day.Is it possible to Forward Resource Cancellations to a Delegate? I tried seting up a Rule on the Resources Mailbox that forwards any mail with the the word 'Cancelled' in it to the Delegate but this fails, I am guessing because the Event Sink that is enabled with AutoAccept is triggered first of all.Any help would be much appreciated.
October 13th, 2009 2:42pm

Exchange 2003? You're really fairly limited there without writing code. You could certainly implement a solution that would do that, but as you suspect, the AutoAccept code isn't implemented in a way that lets you write rules on things like that.
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October 15th, 2009 4:56am

Hi,Be default, the delegate should get all the type of the meeting request. I would like to confirm how did you set the delegate for the Resource Mailbox. Did you set it via the Outlook?If it is, I suggest we try to set another user to test this issue.Additionally, please run get-mailboxcalendarsettings -identity "resource mailbox" |fl command in EMS, then post the information on the forum.ThanksAllen
October 15th, 2009 12:18pm

Definitely need to clarify which version of Exchange is being used and also how the delegate was configured as Allen said.Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007 are vastly different with respect to resource mailboxes.
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October 15th, 2009 9:32pm

Thanks for your replies, please find answers to your questions below:1) The version of Exchange is 2007.2) OWA was used to configure the settings on the Resource Mailbox (e.g. who needs to get meetings approved).3) Please find the result of running get-mailboxcalendarsettings below:AutomateProcessing : AutoAcceptAllowConflicts : TrueBookingWindowInDays : 365MaximumDurationInMinutes : 1440AllowRecurringMeetings : TrueEnforceSchedulingHorizon : FalseScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours : FalseConflictPercentageAllowed : 0MaximumConflictInstances : 0ForwardRequestsToDelegates : TrueDeleteAttachments : TrueDeleteComments : TrueRemovePrivateProperty : TrueDeleteSubject : FalseDisableReminders : TrueAddOrganizerToSubject : TrueDeleteNonCalendarItems : TrueTentativePendingApproval : TrueEnableResponseDetails : TrueOrganizerInfo : TrueResourceDelegates : {John Smith}RequestOutOfPolicy : AllRequestOutOfPolicy : FalseBookInPolicy : AllBookInPolicy : FalseRequestInPolicy : AllRequestInPolicy : TrueAddAdditionalResponse : FalseAdditionalResponse : <DIV><FONT face=Tahoma size=2></FONT></DI V>RemoveOldMeetingMessages : TrueAddNewRequestsTentatively : TrueProcessExternalMeetingMessages : FalseDefaultReminderTime : 15RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : FalseIdentity : utlook Resources/LunchAny further help would be greatly appreciated. Regards Robert
October 20th, 2009 1:02pm

Hi,,, I was having the same issue. The resolution I came up with is as follows: These are instructions for Outlook 2003 & 2007 1. Create a Mailbox Profile in the lowest version of Outlook you are running 2. In Outlook open the resource mailbox profile 3. Click on Tools, Option, Delegates Tab 4. Highlight the Delegate you want to receive notifications and select "Permissions" button 5. Enable "Delegate receives copies of meeting-related messages sent to me". Hopet his helps. s.
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March 16th, 2011 6:26pm

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