Resource managment Exchange 2007
Hi, In Exchange 2007:
I have set up a conference room and assigned a manager to it.
how can the manager see the bookings of the conference room?
October 30th, 2008 11:46am
Im not sure exactly what you mean about see the bookings of the conference room, if you mean to let manager to modify the room mailbox, then please use the following steps:
Notes: I assume you have given manager Full Access permission on that room mailbox
To manage room mailbox via outlook:
a. Create a profile for room mailbox, just like configure a regular user profile
b. After that, launch outlook with room mailboxs profile
c. Enter managers username and password on the prompted windows for credential
d. Now manager can view and manage room mailbox via outlook
To manage room mailbox via OWA:
a. Launch internet explorer [IE]
b. Enter the URL:
c. Logon with managers username and password
Note: please correct me if I have misunderstood the question
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October 31st, 2008 12:54pm
Hi, Heloeffler, I assume your question has been answered, and I'd like to change the status to "Marked as answer", please feel free to post here if you have any update
November 5th, 2008 5:17am
After setting "Allowconflicts" $false, I still have this problem:
I book meeting A in Conference room "38" for 10am today
I book meeting B in Conference room "38" for 10am today
What I expected: System would NOT let me make the second booking.
What happened: during booking operation, I can see that the room is already booked BUT it accepts the second booking
Question: What must I do that system will prevent me from making double bookings?
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November 5th, 2008 2:00pm
Please see the responce on
November 6th, 2008 5:39am