Restricting Email Groups and Dynamic boxes

We have a particular security group set up in Active Directory. Is there a way to restrict exchange shared mailboxes, and dynamic groups to only people that are not in that active directory security group?

Also, maybe a way to remove people that are already in there that we have to remove short of manually going through all users? (which is over 1000)



August 31st, 2015 9:12am

This forum is for Exchange development. Your question seems more suited to the Exchange admin forum on TechNet. I'll move it over for you.
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August 31st, 2015 10:48am

You can simply restric other DL's or Single Users from sending to a specific Distribution Group. You can script this via powershell as well if you have do this for a lot of DL's or Users.


Get-DistributionGrou -identity group1 | set-DistributionGroup -RejectMessagesFromDLMembers Group2 -RejectMessagesFrom user2


August 31st, 2015 11:09am

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