Restrictive Maximum Recipients
In the following email sequence, which instance is the maximum recipient limit applied to:User->sending as DL-> sending to DL. At which point would an elevated number of maximum recipents be needed?Exchange 2003
June 23rd, 2009 8:19pm
Hi,Max Recipient is evaluated when the message is processing under CategorizerUsersWhen user sends an email then mail is submitted to Submission queue andits categorized. during Categorizing its determined that max recipient of the user and mail is set until Max recipient and other are rejected with the NDRDLsWhen DL is expanded in Categorizer is evaluates the Max Number of Recipients and message will be delivered stops when max recipient is reached Below link show you the details of the message flow and categorization of the email in the Exchange 2003,Krishna
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June 23rd, 2009 9:49pm
A good article for your reference:
Distribution Groups and maximum recipients per message
June 25th, 2009 10:48am