Results file for Exchange Powershell script
I don't think you need the foreach-object. Export-mailbox takes pipeline input.
As for your script, this probably doable, but I don't have a 2007 server handy. If you export a single mailbox, does the desired output appear on the screen? If so, you can send the results of each job to an array (variable) and then export that variable
to a csv once it's all done.
Here is an example where I'm doing something else, but I use this approach of collecting results and then sending it to a variable called $masterlist. If it works, just change the last line to $masterlist | export-csv c:\file.csv
Mike Crowley | MVP
My Blog --
Planet Technologies
April 27th, 2012 6:51pm
I am using the following script to delete content from a mailbox:
Get-Mailbox -Identity User1 | Export-Mailbox -SubjectKeywords Deletethis -StartDate 12/12/2011" -DeleteContent
| out-file c:\results.log
I actually have several mailboxes that I need to do this on, so am going to use this:
Get-content c:\userlist.txt | ForEach-Object {Export-Mailbox -Identity $_ -SubjectKeywords Deletethis -StartDate 12/12/2011" -DeleteContent}
What I'd like to be able to have is a result file at the end of the script that lists the mailboxes that the script worked on and how many messages were deleted.
Does anyone know how this is possible?
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April 27th, 2012 8:28pm