Rol Hub Exchange 2007 between WAN
In my environment I have 4 exchange servers 2007 and 4 exchange servers 2003, in my site i have a mailbox role, ca role and hub rol in different servers. In other site only i have an exchange server 2007 with all rols, and they are genering trafict in my connection WAN but this traffic are saturation my connection (WAN=256k).With the exchange 2003 we don't have it.
is normal ?
December 5th, 2008 8:21pm
Can you trace what kind of traffic that's hitting your site?
Could it be that all users send outbound mail through a Send connector thatis configured to usethe Hub Transport server in your site assource server?
Oh and what about inbound mail, does that hit your site first?
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December 5th, 2008 8:38pm
I have a capture of traffic (network monitor) and I can see packet of smtp between exchange servers 2007. If I send a tracert from my hub transport server(siteA) to the other exchange 2007(siteB)the timeis more that 3000ms and sometime request time out. The site B andAsend mails to Internet without problems, but site B recieve the mails out of time, because all mails inbound by site A and the wan connection (256k) is too slow. If I disconnect th exchange server 2007 in siteB the wan connection return to normal. I have an average of 190 messages in queue (siteA to siteB).Is there arequirement of bandwidth fo WAN connection for the correct comunication between exchange server 2007?
December 11th, 2008 7:33pm