Room Mailbox Conflict timmings decline not happening
Hi, I had created Room Mailbox in Exchange 2007 when my Exchange 2003 server still existed. I had selected Autoaccept and Decline meeting requests, if anybody tries to book the room and if there was conflict in the time, it would not even allow to send the meeting request mail.But after I remove the Exchange 2003 servers, the Meeting rooms get booked even if the room is already booked for the same time slot. Please help me on fixing the issue.RegardsKeshav.C
July 6th, 2009 12:24pm
Can you post the result of Get-MailboxCalendarSettings "Room Mailbox Name" here?Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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July 6th, 2009 12:34pm
Hi, I had room mailboxes creating when my Exchange 2007 was co existing with Exchange 2003. Everything worked fine, when resource would not accept the meeting request if there was a conflict in the timings. But after I removed my exchange 2003, the room mailbox would accept the meeting requests even if the resource is already book for the same time slot. Please help me to fix the issue. Regards Keshav.C
July 6th, 2009 12:39pm
[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\keshavc\Desktop>Get-MailboxCalendarSettings sroom | fl AutomateProcessing : AutoAccept AllowConflicts : False BookingWindowInDays : 180 MaximumDurationInMinutes : 1440 AllowRecurringMeetings : False EnforceSchedulingHorizon : True ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours : False ConflictPercentageAllowed : 0 MaximumConflictInstances : 0 ForwardRequestsToDelegates : False DeleteAttachments : True DeleteComments : True RemovePrivateProperty : True DeleteSubject : True DisableReminders : False AddOrganizerToSubject : True DeleteNonCalendarItems : True TentativePendingApproval : False EnableResponseDetails : True OrganizerInfo : True ResourceDelegates : {} RequestOutOfPolicy : AllRequestOutOfPolicy : False BookInPolicy : AllBookInPolicy : True RequestInPolicy : AllRequestInPolicy : False AddAdditionalResponse : False AdditionalResponse : <DIV><FONT face=Tahoma size=2></FONT></DI V> RemoveOldMeetingMessages : True AddNewRequestsTentatively : True ProcessExternalMeetingMessages : False DefaultReminderTime : 15 RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : False Identity : Mailbox/Server Room
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July 6th, 2009 12:43pm
Hi,Please doble check the value of Allow Conflicts by running get-mailboxcalendarsettings -identity "resource" | fl-V
July 6th, 2009 12:54pm
that is the result of the command is false for all mailboxes
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July 6th, 2009 12:59pm
Hi,I suspect that the Direct Booking was enabled on resource mailbox.First, did you try this issue in OWA? If not, please check it by using OWA. If it's also exist in OWA, we need to check the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants service is running, then create a new room mailbox to test this issue.If the issue persists, I suggest we collect Trace log to diagnose this issue:1. Start, Run and type Extra on the Exchange 2007 Server.2. Select the "Trace Control" under related functions.3. Make sure the area where you want the trace to be written is correct. Normally this is not a large file.4. You can leave the default settings.5. Select "manual trace tags"6. Select all Trace Types except Performance.7. Under Components to Trace, select InfoWorker.Assistants.ResourceBooking8. Once you select that, by default it adds all Trace Tags, you can leave it set to all Trace Tags.9. Select "Show mailbox trace filtering options...Select the mailbox that is having the problem.10. Select "Start Tracing"11. If you didn't select any specific time frame on the Welcome Screen, it will run until you stop it.12. Simulate the problematic meeting request.After that, please send the trace log to me at v-allson@microsoft.comThanksAllen
July 8th, 2009 1:04pm
Hi Keshav,I received your email. Based on your latest information that you described, the most likely cause of the issue is the Direct Booking is enabled on the Resource Mailbox.I suggest we open Resource Mailbox by using Outlook, then go to Tools, Options, click Calendar Options button, click Resource Scheduling button, uncheck the three options.After that, please check this issue.Additionally, the Exchange trace log is not right. There is no information in that log.ThanksAllen
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July 9th, 2009 8:53am
Hi Allen, Thanks very much for the response. The process I was following was the old process followed for Exchange 2003 ie Direct Booking. Here the booking is not allowed if there is a conflict. I created a new Mailbox and did not change any settings, and from webmail opened the resource mailbox and gave "Automatically process meeting requests and cancellations ". After this I started automatically getting accept/decline mails which I was not getting. Also it sent decline mail if there was a conflict. In this scenarios I have a problem, the room mailbox will accept the mail without showing any prompt for conflict later the delcine mail is generated. The invitees who get the invitation will not be aware of this. How to fix the issue? Please help. Regards Keshav.C
July 9th, 2009 11:48am
Hi Keshav,For the organizer who sending the meeting request which alread booked, the "Conflicts with another appointment on your Calendar" information will be appeared on the opening UI. Did you see it?For the invitees, when accepting the conflicting meeting request, "Conflicts with another appointment on you Calendar" prompting informationalso is stamped on the meeting request.
Additionally, please run Get-MailboxCalendarSettings command for the new resourse mailbox in order to check.ThanksAllen
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July 9th, 2009 12:21pm
Hi, I see the message, but the old method(Direct booking) seems to be fine. My only issue now is the "All Day event". Is there any way to disable booking of "All Day event" feature. Regards Keshav.C
July 9th, 2009 1:57pm