Routing Group Connector question
Hello all,
I have Exchange 2003 installed in a backend frontend topology.
I have installed two CAS/HT servers. CAS roles are working fine. With regard to HT roles, when I do Get-RoutingGroupConnector it lists the name of one HT server. I read by default it creates only one RoutingGroupConnector and we have to add the second one.
Can you post the syntax here for reference?
Also, what are the steps I need to take to get HT functional after installing HT role in an Exchange 2003 coexistence mode? Is there a step by step procedure article available for reference?
I read this TechNote but hard to understand though
Thanks in advance
March 21st, 2011 8:37pm
It depends on your design what you'll want to do:
a) If you have both Exchange 2007/2010 Hub Transport Servers in the same site, then you'd want to add the second server as a source server for your Routing Group Connector to the Exchange 2003 environment by:
Get-RoutingGroupConnector | Set-RoutingGroupConnector -SourceTransportServers ","
b) If you have Exchange servers in 2 different Active Directory sites and would like to add a Routing Group Connector to facilitate quicker delivery paths, then you'd like to add another Routing Group Connector by:
New-RoutingGroupConnector -Name "Interop RGC" -SourceTransportServers "" -TargetTransportServers "" -Cost 10 -Bidirectional $true -PublicFolderReferralsEnabled $true
Create Additional Routing Group Connectors from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2003
If b) then please also remember to suppress minor Link State updates as not to end up in a scenario with routing loops.
How to Suppress Link State UpdatesJesper Bernle | Blog:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 22nd, 2011 12:37am
Thanks Jesper.
i have only Exchsrvr 2003 in my setup. i have two HT servers in my setup and they are CAS too. Once I finished installing HT role on both servers, I did a Get-RoutingGroupConnector from Exchange management shell and the output list the first HT server routing
connection in both direction. For example:
Exchange 2010 -> Exchange 2003 and vice versa.
i manually added the second HT server name by New-RoutingGroupConnector -Name <String> -SourceTransportServers <MultiValuedProperty> -TargetTransportServers <MultiValuedProperty>
i didn't added bidirectional switch as i want to have the similar naming convention for RoutingGroupConnectors as the default one. I didn't added cost either. What is the default cost? how is the priority accessed,higher or lower number has highest
In an Exchange 2003 coexistence mode, what are the steps to be performed for HT? I can't find a nice article which explains the steps.
March 22nd, 2011 4:40am
You didn't tell if your Exchange Servers reside in one AD Site or more but I'm guessing you only have one and in that case you really should go for option a) instead of option b). Option a) is the proper way of doing things in your scenario.
For a Step-by-Step approach to your transition, go visit the
Exchange Server Deployment Assistant
Jesper Bernle | Blog:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 22nd, 2011 4:11pm