Routing Group from old 2003 Exchange Server
Trying to upgrade from 2007 to 2010 Exchange server. Ran Best Practices Analyzer and it came up with 3 Critical Issues. The issues are below. Problem is the old 2003 server has been gone for some time now. The server was removed properly
but must of left some things behind. Can anyone please tell me how to properly clean up these issues. I have seen many articles and recommendation but none that fit my problem. Clicking on the how to resolve it tells me to use the old management
console but that is not an option. Any help would be appreciated.
1) Routing Master has been Deleted
The nominated routing group master for routing group 'First Routing Group' has been deleted. This may cause mail flow problems. Server name: CN=<SERVER>\0ADEL
2) Cannot connect to port 25 of the routing group master.
Server <SERVER>\0ADEL:138156a8-4f7e-4cd2-99bb-43d0ebb68845 is a routing group master but a connection to port 25 cannot be established from the workstation where this tool is running
3) Cannot connect to port 691 of the routing group master.
Server <SERVER>\0ADEL:138156a8-4f7e-4cd2-99bb-43d0ebb68845 is a routing group master but a connection to port 691 cannot be established from the workstation where this tool is running.
October 16th, 2012 11:33am
Check if the old Routinggroup Connectors is still in AD.
Example: Get-Routinggroupconnector
If they are, remove them with Get-RoutinggroupConnector | Remove-RoutinggroupconnectorMartina Miskovic
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October 16th, 2012 1:39pm
Tried that and it shows nothing. It looks like it is gone but the information is pulling from ADSI.
October 16th, 2012 5:21pm
I Guess that your Exchange 2003 Uninstall Process was not Graceful but Manual which is by following KB833396.
In case if we are upgrading our Exchange 2007 Infrastructure to 2010, we can clean-up the objects under the First Administrative Group(Legacy Exchange 2003 Servers Administrative Group).
This can done using ADSIEDIT. Please be very careful, make sure to take a system Statebackup before deleting any objects from the ADSIEDIT.
From the Screenshot abive, msExchRoutingMasterDN is the value which will be the Distinguished Name of the Exchange 2003 Server. As the Server object was removed manually in your case it was referring to Deleted Objects.
To Fix this, we can delete the objects on the left hand side manually using ADSIEDT if we don't have any Exchange 2003 Servers in the environmet:
The objects that can be deleted are:
CN=Advanced Security
CN=Routing Groups
CN=Servers (Only If this is an Empty Servers container without any Server Object(Exchange 2003's)).
Click on CN=Folder Hierarchies and in case if you have CN=Public Folders, This is Hierarchy for the Public folders which has to be moved to Exchange Administrative Group.
Moving the Public Folder Hierarchy During an Exchange
2007/2010 Migration
PS: Dont Delete First Administrative Group under any Circumstances as the objects migrated from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007 will have their LegacyExchangeDN value with First Administrative group.
Hope This Answers your Question! ~ ( Exchange | 2003/2007/2010/E15(2013)) ~Mark this if Helpful~ This Information is provided "AS IS" and confers no Rights!!
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October 17th, 2012 12:54am