Routing between two Exchange 2010
I got two Exchange 2010 servers same exchange organization but different sites. I am unable to send or receive email from any of the exchange internal users? They are connected over VPN and AD sites.
August 3rd, 2011 10:43pm
Could you please prvide some more information?
More information on your environment.
Any error in your event log.
Any NDR message.
Also I would like to provide some steps for your test.
Ran get-adsitelink against all the Exchange
2010 servers and list the result.
When running Get-Adsitelink the exchange server is unable to get the AD site costs to route mail
between Exchange servers that reside in different sites
You can try to add read permission for the Exchange servers group on the top of the Sites ContainerBest Regards!
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August 5th, 2011 4:10am
Also apart from what Rowen suggested,
please run get-queue command on each server and look at the last error you got. that may give you some direction
August 5th, 2011 10:59am
Hi Vipul,
Any update?Best Regards!
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August 8th, 2011 3:07am