SBS 2008, Exchange 2007, Outlook 2003
I am working with a client that has a server running Small Business Server 2008 and Exchange 2007. On his computer he is running Outlook 2003. When he sets his Out of Office assistant, the Out of Office assistance is only working internally,
i.e. only responding to e-mails within his domain. If an e-mail that is sent to him from an external domain (like gmail or yahoo) an Out of Office reply is not sent. I am wondering what could be causing a problem with this. Any help is appreciated.
October 14th, 2010 2:12pm
Please check the different settings to be configured
you can check the settings on the emc\org\hub transport\remote domain properties..
initiate diagnostic logging if it is not working
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October 14th, 2010 2:19pm