SCOM email alerts not reaching
I am not sure whether its related with Exchange email routing system or SCOM but i would like to post this issue on exchange forum to get some ideas.
I set two notification alerts on SCOM server . one for my clients domain name suppose ( and another for my own official mailbox (
SCOM has mail enable address. (
I am getting alerts on but i am not able to get alerts on
is it a email routing issue ? what and where else i should check ?
thanks in advance for guidance.
September 15th, 2010 7:29am
Plse ask ur exchange admin to track that mail.
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September 15th, 2010 8:40am
Its looking problem with Relay/SMTP server to which you are using to send mail, Its not authenticated for other domain.Anil
September 15th, 2010 9:16am
You may need to provide the Smtp server name to SCOM.
Since it is internal e it should be working for External mail.. create a forwarding rule from to
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September 23rd, 2010 2:45pm