SMTP Connectivity between two different organization
Hello All, In my lab environment, I am testing smtp connectivity between two different exchange 2010 organizations. They seem to work when Smart Host is used on both sides, but are unable to resolve each other through DNS. Since they are both on LAN, I used the DNS on both organizations to find each by creating a zone of each in others DNS and then by providing MX record pointing to the respective SMTP Server. Like active directory DNS has primary zone as well and similarly active directory DNS has primary zone as well with MX records defined. But, still I get DNS resolution error on both SMTP servers? When I do nslookup, it shows localhost as the host for MX Record and not the IP Address of the MX Record's A record. I assume this is what causing the problem, but MX records are defined correctly. Yet the NSLOOKUP shows localhost on DNS Servers. One of the Exchange is on DC so that is understable, but the one that is not on DC also shows localhost. So I am not sure how to get around this.
January 26th, 2012 2:20pm

it would be easier to define conditional forwarding for those domains pointing it to the domain controller of proper domainRegards, Konrad Sagala, MCT, MCSE+M, MCITP: Exchange 2007/2010
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January 26th, 2012 5:12pm

Conditional Forwarders are the way to go man Instructions are here Herbert Zimbizi
January 27th, 2012 9:52am

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