SMTP Connector Queueing Issue
Scenario:I have an SMTP connector that points to my Barracuda Spam Filter. I am queueing up emails due to what I believe is a problem in the Barracuda. What I want to do is bypass this connector and allow Exchange to send SMTP on its own. I've already opened up the firewall to allow this. What is the best way to address the connector? Should I just delete it and remake it after I've resolved the issue? Will this delete the emails that are in its queue or will Exchange try to send the on its own?Thanks,Brandon
October 16th, 2008 6:20pm
You can just change the smtp connector to deliver via DNS or forward the mail to a smarthost for example your ISP's smtp server. This can be done by following thenext steps:
Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
Locate the following folder:
Right-click Your_SMTP_Virtual_Server, and then click Properties.
Click the Delivery tab, and then click Advanced.
Clear the Smart hostbox if you want to deliver via dns or in the Smart host box, type the name of the smart host server (smtp server of the ISP)
But since when did the issue start to happen ? If it is after an ip-address change please check the relaying settings on your Barracuda
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October 16th, 2008 9:20pm
Hi Brandon,
You can just delete the connector and configure SMTP virtual server. It will not affect the emails in the queues. I suggest you restart SMTP service after the modification.
If anything is unclear, please post here.
October 21st, 2008 9:13am