we have a sort of strange thing. User A is Owner of a shared Mailbox and wants to schedule a Livemeeting on behalf of this shared Mailbox. She gets an error and contacted IT, as the error states. IT (which is in this case me) checked access rights, all fine, she can schedule a regular meeting on behalf of that Mailbox without problem. Further research led me to some articles that with Livemeeting and Communicator 2007 (Exchange 2010, Office 2010) this does not work. So I told User A about it and thought this is done. But then she replies back to me telling me that she can successfully schedule Livemeeting on behalf of her Manager, User B. So again I double-checked and compared access rights, couldn't find a difference. During further research I found a TechNet Blog about a Registry Edit to make it work --> http://blogs.technet.com/b/tlyons/archive/2011/07/05/troubleshooting-communicator-2007-r2-delegation-issues.aspx
I tested that on my Test-Workstation and could successfully schedule one Livemeeting on behalf of the shared mailbox, so I was happy and did that Registry-Change on User A's workstation - but it did not work. On my test workstation also it did not work again. But User A can still successfully schedule Livemeetings on behalf of User B.
That is so frustrating! Anybody having an idea what I could do there? I mean I understand her when she says, she does not believe in the statement that she has to wait for our Upgrade to Lync when she doesn't need the upgrade for her Manager's mailbox... :-(