The goal is to export monthly content to pst and then delete content from journaling mailboxes for a given date range. I have found a very handy powershell script to do all of this, however the delete content step does not work.
This step in the script is what is failing:
$endDate = Get-Date -Day 1 "00:00:00"
$startDate = $endDate.AddMonths(-1)
$month = "{0:D2}" -f [int]$startDate.Month
# Convert dates to short date strings
$endDate = $endDate.ToShortDateString()
$startDate = $startDate.ToShortDateString()
Get-Mailbox -Identity "intjournal.mailbox" | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery "Received:'${startDate}'..'${endDate}'" -DeleteContent
I have added to the Exchange Admin role group 'Organization Management' the 'Mailbox Search' and the 'Mailbox Import Export' roles to this group, of which my user object is a member.
I can even try a manual search and deletecontent by simply running this: ( which fails to return anything but '0' in the 'ResultItemsCount' field)
Search-Mailbox -Identity intjournal.mailbox -SearchQuery "Received:02/01/2015..02/28/2015" -deletecontent -force
Everything I have read today indicates that this script should work. Am I missing a management role assignment on my user object that is preventing the search from finding / deleting messages? Is there something different about a journaling mailbox that requires special parameters? Any help here would be great, I hate having to add more disk space while I figure this out!
Thanks In Advance,
Chris J.