I'm hoping this will be an easy syntax question to answer. I'm currently in the process of migrating 1000 users cross-forest between Exchange and Lync environments. As part of this, we don't want people to be using the old forest Lync environment, and as part of preventing this, we want to search user mailboxes for meetings to that environment. Right now the search is picking up old items in it. In the results, I am only seeing a "sent date" and "received date". The start time is empty. This isn't too useful because somebody could easily have sent a meeting request 2 months ago for a future date or one that was held 2 months ago. I can't differentiate between the two currently.
Is there a way to filter out meeting content based on the start date? This is what I'm currently doing:
get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | search-mailbox -searchquery "Kind:meetings","(DN) Danish" -logonly -loglevel full -targetmailbox me -targetfolder PSC-SearchLog
Also, you may see that I'm using "(DN) Danish" for the search. This is because search-mailbox apparently can't penetrate hypertext encoding where "Join Online Meeting" is pointing to "https://meet.domain.com/{meeting id}". It can't search either "Join Online Meeting" or the url itself, so my options are limited to plain text to search. Is there a way to penetrate hypertext? Thanks!
Don't cross the streams!