Second 'Local Move Request' for user -E2k10!'
I recently moved one of my users mailbox from previous database to new one. Now I want to move him back to the old DB or the 3rd one (total 3 databases)
But I can not see the option for 'New Local Move Request' at this user's properties (and there's a green arrow label over this mailbox).
Is there no second chance for once-moved mailbox? Please help!!!
October 11th, 2011 7:47am
See if the original move request is still there under move requests and delete it if present - a mailbox can be moved as often as you wish.
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October 11th, 2011 7:57am
See if the original move request is still there under move requests and delete it if present - a mailbox can be moved as often as you wish.
Thanks Leif :) It's clear now!
October 11th, 2011 8:13am