Segregating GAL msExchqueryBasedn multiple users
I have another issue with this - under Modify MsExchQuertyBaseDN attributes
If i have a segregate group already and I want to change all of the user in the group msexchquertybasedn how would i do that by just filtering there customattributes? EX customattribute1 is test.
The guide gave me this but i'm not quite sure what it is doing or what to change.
$user = ([ADSI]"LDAP://DC01:389/CN=Test User1,ou= Fabrikam,ou=companies,dc=contoso,dc=com").psbase;
$user.Properties["msExchQueryBaseDN"].Value = "ou= Fabrikam,ou=companies,dc=contoso,dc=com"; $user.CommitChanges();
October 11th, 2010 9:25pm
I quite not understand on which step you are having problem, if the problem is that you need to change the custom-attribute of multiple user you can do that by ADModify, do let us know in case you need more info & also explain in which steps you
are experiencing some problem. Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
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October 12th, 2010 6:25am
I've group all the segregated users to a group already and the segregated users have there own GAL but on webmail they can still see everyone. I want to block webmail by setting up the msexchquertybasedn on ADSI according to the directions on the paperwork.
I want to set the msexchquertybasedn all at once since it will take forever to do 400 users.
October 12th, 2010 1:32pm
That what I suggested, you can changed the AD attribute by ADModify, have a look into this article : &
you can download it from here :
Do let us know is more info is required.Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 12th, 2010 1:39pm
This program would work if I had to do everyone in the organization. But for selective few there can be alot of errors by doing this because there is no filtering options. I was wondering if it is possible to do this on the PS.
October 12th, 2010 4:11pm
Is there any particular query for which you want to have this address-book, since we can also apply a query which it can filter or move those to a single OU & then try, I don't know how to modify AD attributes by PS & ADmodify is much easy.Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
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October 13th, 2010 5:46am
The attrtribute i want to filter is a particular group which I segregated already. they are in there own GAL. Currently the filter is done using a Custom Attribute.
October 13th, 2010 1:27pm
I meant you can also defile a query in ADModify & then change the attribute it explained in this article :,
le tos know if this didn't solve the purpose .Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 13th, 2010 1:57pm
How would I define a query for my particular request? I'm new to this particular program
October 13th, 2010 2:58pm
How would I define a query for my particular request? I'm new to this particular program
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October 13th, 2010 2:58pm
Does anyone have any other solutions ?
October 14th, 2010 4:12pm
Do you have the list of user for which you want to change the custom attribute.Ripu Daman Mina | MCSE 2003 & MCSA Messaging
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 15th, 2010 5:37am
the users are already segregated using the custom attribute. and i need to change there msexchquerybasedn, I need to filter there custom atrtribute or company name to change there msexchquerybasedn.
I have the instructions from the whitepaper but the instructions are not clear on what to change.
these are the instructions on the white paper -
$user = ([ADSI]"LDAP://DC01:389/CN=Test User1,ou= Fabrikam,ou=companies,dc=contoso,dc=com").psbase;
$user.Properties["msExchQueryBaseDN"].Value = "ou= Fabrikam,ou=companies,dc=contoso,dc=com"; $user.CommitChanges();
October 18th, 2010 2:24am
can anyone help?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 25th, 2010 12:56pm
the users are already segregated using the custom attribute. and i need to change there msexchquerybasedn, I need to filter there custom atrtribute or company name to change there msexchquerybasedn.
I have the instructions from the whitepaper but the instructions are not clear on what to change.
these are the instructions on the white paper -
$user = ([ADSI]"LDAP://DC01:389/CN=Test User1,ou= Fabrikam,ou=companies,dc=contoso,dc=com").psbase;
$user.Properties["msExchQueryBaseDN"].Value = "ou= Fabrikam,ou=companies,dc=contoso,dc=com"; $user.CommitChanges();
please anyone can help???
October 30th, 2010 7:36pm