Send As/Send on Behalf queries
HelloWe are running Exchange 2003 SP2 with AD 2003. We have a DL named "Company-ALL" that contains about 500 entries....about a quater of these are mail enabled contacts with external email addresses.The CEO wants to send an email to Company-ALL. although it would actually be his PA that sends the mail. So, we could either give her Send As rights on hismailbox, or Send on Behalf.Couple of questions:1. I assume if we gave the PASend As rights, thenany replies would go to the CEO. But what about if shesent the email onbehalf of him(Send on Behalf)? Where would repliesbe directed to, the PA or the CEO?2. If she has both Send As and Send on Behalf rights to his mailbox, which would take precedence?3. Company-All has both Out of Office and Non-DeliveryReports to originator disabled. However, would this apply tothe external contacts as well? Orif they were Out of Office/their mailbox full etc, would the originator recv these delivery messages?4. If using Send on Behalf, where would these delivery mesages be sent to, the PA or the CEO?Thanks in advance.
September 2nd, 2009 9:10pm
1) If she sends on behalf of him, the message is really from her, not from him. So AFAIK she'd get the replies. Test this and see. 2) Send on Behalf Of takes precedence. Don't assign both. 3) Yes, I believe so. 4) The PA You should be able to test all of this fairly easily yourself if you set up a test DL with some external and internal members. Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]
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September 5th, 2009 5:47pm
Hi, Based on my test:1. If the delegate sends on behalf of manager, when the recipient replies, the message is delivered to manager.2. The Send As permission takes precedene.Thanks,Mike
September 11th, 2009 1:46pm