Send Connector - two gateways
Can i configure two send connectors pointing to two different mail gateways which are in active & passive mode.
can exchange hub identify which is active and which is passive.
My requirement is - when gateway 1 is down. exchange hub should be able to send mails to gateway 2 and vice versa.
Note: i dont have hardware loadbalancer for gateways devices, both gateways have different IP's.
June 24th, 2012 11:31am
Why not add both gateways to one send connector?
That should give you the desired result.
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June 24th, 2012 11:39am
any update?
TechNet Community Support
June 26th, 2012 5:14am
>>>i created two connectors pointing to two different gateways with different costs (cost=1 in GW1 & cost =2 on GW2) then i switched off Gateway1 but exchange is still trying to send mails via gateway 1, it is not trying to send mail via gateway2.
Because your send connector is also enabled, so exchange will still try to use the connector 1 to send message. If you want to backup your mail flow, i think the only way is add two gateways into one send connector, you can't achieve that you want.
Otherwise when you detect your gateway1 is down, you manually disable send connector 1, then mail will go through send connector 2. You can do a test.
About exchange 2010 message routing you can see:
hope can help you
TechNet Community Support
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June 27th, 2012 10:34pm
Hi CastinLu,
i already tried the option of adding both Gateways on same send connector and it worked perfectly.
Requirement1 - we dont want to use both Gateways to send mails, gateway 2 should be used only when gateway 1 is down.
Requirement2 - we dont want to manually enable the second connector when gateway 1 is down
but why is exchange trying to connect on gateway1 even when gateway 1 is down, it should ideally connect to gateway 2.
is there any other way where exchange can identify gateway1 is down and use gateway2, vice versa.
June 28th, 2012 9:32am
>>>is there any other way where exchange can identify gateway1 is down and use gateway2, vice versa.
Exchange only identify the send connector. If your connector is enable, exchange will always choose the perferred one. No matter if the gateway is up or down.
How to choose send connector you can see:
So Exchange can't help you to achieve your goal.
hope can help you
TechNet Community Support
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June 28th, 2012 9:44pm
Dear CastinLu,
Thanks for the information but that link does not provide any information which says that exchange can not detect the state of gateway.
there should mechanism where exchange can detect if the gateway is up or not. Any help appreciated.
July 1st, 2012 6:24am
This should be handled by your network devices. routers are able to determine these sorts of things and make intelligent network routing decisions. Exchange can't do it.Chris Morgan
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July 10th, 2012 12:10pm