Send Connector in Exchange 2010
I am in the process of transitioning Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010.
I have installed HT role and configured Receive connector.
I have an Exchange 2003 setup in frontend backend topology. Once I finished installing HT role, in EMC, Organization Configuration> Hub Transport > Send Connectors I see our production (Exchange 2003) Outbound mail connector with "Route
mail through smart hosts" with the appropriate IP address.
This also have a Source Server tab and what is expected here?
In source Server tab , I added both CAS Servers ( I have two HT servers). While aplying this configuration I get an exchange error "Set-sendconnector" failed with transcript Source server isn't in the connector's source routing group.
If I do a Get-RoutingGroupConnector, I can see all two servers with connection to Exchange 2003 and vice versa. For example:
Exchange2010Server1-Exchange2003Server <SourceRoutingGroupName> <TargetRoutingGroupName>
Exchange2003Server-Exchange2010Server1 <SourceRoutingGroupName> <TargetRoutingGroupName>
Exchange2010Server2-Exchange2003Server <SourceRoutingGroupName> <TargetRoutingGroupName>
Exchange2003Server-Exchange2010Server2 <SourceRoutingGroupName> <TargetRoutingGroupName>
Now if I do a Get-ADSite I get
Default Site with HubSiteEnabled False
Bunker Site with HubSiteEnabled False
Both HT servers are running in Default Site.
Should I configure the Hub by Set-AdSite "Default Site" -HubSiteEnabled $true? Do I have set ADSite with HubSiteEnabled true for my second site? There is no HT servers at this site.
I haven't noticed anywhere in technotes saying ADSite has to Hub SiteEnabled to be true to set sendconnectors? Please clarify.
Thanks in advance
March 23rd, 2011 11:54am
Don't mix Connector versions.
If you have an Exchange 2003 SMTP connector, then don't touch it in Exchange 2010. You need to create a new Send Connector in EMC for the Exchange 2010 servers. Although that can be done later if required, and all email will simply go out through the Exchange
2003 system.
You shouldn't need to touch the HubSiteEnabled setting in this scenario.
Simon.Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
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March 23rd, 2011 12:03pm
Oops for troubleshooting I set Set-AdSite "Default Site" -HubSiteEnabled $true for
Default Site. It didn't work.
Can I undo this by Set-AdSite "Default Site" -HubSiteEnabled $false?
Why can't I add source servers to the Outbound Mail Connector (Exchange 2003 internet connector) which now appears under Hub Transport in Organization Configuration?
Is it because of an Exchange 2003 internet connector? Should I create an Exchnage 2010 connector now?
I thought it's recommended to have only one Send connector? At point is it safe to add a new Exchange 2010 send connector?
Thanks Tom
March 23rd, 2011 12:34pm
Some information for you:
Per my known, use the Set-AdSite cmdlet to configure an Active Directory site as a hub site to override the default message routing behavior of a computer that has the Hub Transport server role installed.
That means, if the hub server and the other exchange server all in the same site, we do not need to chanage it.
If there is already a internet connector on the exchange 2003 server, we do not need to create a new connector on the exchange 2010 server, all the email would be sent out through the connector without issue.
However, we could add a connector on the exchange 2010 server.
Whether add a new connector, it depend on yourself, but not needed.
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March 24th, 2011 7:40am
Thanks Gavin.
All our Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2010 Servers run in the same site "Default Site"
As I ran, Set-AdSite "Default Site" -HubSiteEnabled $true for
Default Site can I undo it by running Set-AdSite "Default Site" -HubSiteEnabled $false?
Can I assume no Source Server can be added under Source Server tab in Organization Configuration> Hub Transport> Send Connectors> Connector name, if a default Send connector(Exchsrvr 2003) is created during Exchange 2010 Hub Transport role installation?
At what point is it safe to create an Exchange 2010 Send connector? Is it safe to say once all mailboxes are moved to exchange 2010 MBX?
During co-existence period, say 50% of mailboxes in Exchange 2003 backend and 50% in Exchange 2010 will Exchange 2003 internet connector be functional as exprected?
Thanks in advance
March 24th, 2011 8:57am
Most of the Exchange 2003 send connector should be greyed out, and if you attempt to modify it you should get an error. Exchange 2010 sees it as a Send Connector it cannot modify.
You can create a Send Connector at any point you like. You just have to ensure that the routing is correct. For example, if you are sending email directly out via DNS delivery, then the IP address the traffic comes out on, set in your firewall on the NAT
rules, needs to be correct, with matching PTR etc so email can be delivered. If you are using a smart host then that smart host needs to be able to accept email from that IP address.
The command that you have provided to set the AD-Site should be fine.
Simon.Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
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March 24th, 2011 9:58am