Hi Winnie,
Thank you very much for your suggestions. Unfortunatelythe situation is a bit more complex. Here the current state and the changes and the result:
Server Certificates on mailserver (SNLEMON):
1) Microsoft Exchange issued to snlemon issued by snlemon expiration 1/10/2015 thumbprint
1c 41 07 8b 23 de 34 07 f0 61 9a ad 2d 7e 7e ff 91 c4 de a1
2) Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate issued to Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate issued by Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate expiration 12/15/2017 thumbprint
b8 c9 5e 45 dc b2 ca b0 ee 46 d0 95 a2 cc 1e 71 3a 14 6a 3a
3) SNCERT25134 issued to snnet.ch issued by Comodo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA expiration 3/9/2018 thumbprint
64 51 d6 f4 9e 1c c8 0e c5 eb a9 de cc 44 e4 b5 61 61 79 2c
4) SNCERT25134 issued to snnet.ch issued by Comodo SSL CA 4/26/2015 thumbprint
34 cf ff 53 71 bd b7 bb fe 48 12 00 13 b4 ec ce 21 2f 0b ec
5) SNCERT25134 issued to snnet.ch issued by Comodo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA expiration 3/9/2018 thumbprint
26 d1 25 1a 4c 41 f2 82 a8 32 6f ed 0c 80 40 e8 73 f9 10 ff
There are 4 Websites: Default Web Site, Exchange Back End, Secondary Website and snnet.ch. Command get-website on EMS shows snnet.ch and secondary website in stopped condition, all others started.
Default website https bindings: no hostname, port 443, IP address SSL Certificate SNCERT25134 thumbprint:
64 51 d6 f4 9e 1c c8 0e c5 eb a9 de cc 44 e4 b5 61 61 79 2c
Exchange Back End https binding: no hostname, port 444, IP Address * SSL Certificate Microsoft Exchange thumbprint
1c 41 07 8b 23 de 34 07 f0 61 9a ad 2d 7e 7e ff 91 c4 de a1
What I did: Left Back End https bindings and Cert, changed Default Web Site https bindings to no hostname, port 443 IP address * and the SSL Cert to Microsoft Exchange. And then iisreset /noforce (successful).
Still cannot connect to the Exchange server with outlook and ECP still shows unexpected error. What is worong?