Server 2008 Remote Desktop administration problem
How do you enable two active RDP connections (whenthe Terminal Server role is NOT installed)? Currently when connecting, the other connection gets disconnected. According to, there can be two active remote administration connections.
I have tried using the /admin for both RDP connections, the same occurs,the 2nd connection disconnects the first connection.
In Server 2003, you could have 3 connections, two regular and the third with /console option.
Any ideas???
June 27th, 2008 7:43pm
Solved: New default policy setting does not allow multiple remote sessions for same user (I'm a bad admin for using Administrator for everything, at least in my VM testing). So either use different accounts or Disable the option "Restrict Terminal Services users to a single remote session",
The new option to disconnect other connections w/force is great and long overdue.
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June 27th, 2008 8:27pm