Service 'MSExchangeTransport' failed to start
Hi, I have windows 2003 SP1 with DNS and AD configured. When I try to install Exchange 2007 Beta 2, I get the following error when installing HUB transport role. Service 'MSExchangeTransport' failed to start. Check eventlogs for possible reasons for the service start failure. [When I had first tried to install, it had successfully passed this stage but failed in installing Client Role. So I uninstalled Exchange, but it did not clean up AD. So I reinstalled DNS and AD. Now it continually fails at installing HUB transport role] Looking at the event logs have the following: 1. Process ExSetupUI.exe (PID=2896). An RPC request to the Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology Service failed with error 1753 (Error 6d9 from HrGetServersForRole). Please make sure the service is running. 2. Unable to register the service principal name SmtpSvc: The logon attempt failed For more information, see Help and Support Center at 3. Failed to obtain an initial instance of transport server configuration during initialization. The service will be stopped. For more information, see Help and Support Center at 4. Failed to create agent factory for agent 'Transport Rule Agent' with error 'Failed to create type 'Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.TransportRuleAgent.TransportRuleAgentFactory' from assembly 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\agents\Rule\Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.TransportRuleAgent.dll' due to error 'Agent Transport Rule failed to register for configuration change notifications.'.' For more information, see Help and Support Center at 5. Failed to start transport agents. The transport service will be stopped. Exception details: Failed to create type 'Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.TransportRuleAgent.TransportRuleAgentFactory' from assembly 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\agents\Rule\Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.TransportRuleAgent.dll' due to error 'Agent Transport Rule failed to register for configuration change notifications.'. : Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ExchangeConfigurationException: Failed to create type 'Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.TransportRuleAgent.TransportRuleAgentFactory' from assembly 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\agents\Rule\Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.TransportRuleAgent.dll' due to error 'Agent Transport Rule failed to register for configuration change notifications.'. ---> Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ExchangeConfigurationException: Agent Transport Rule failed to register for configuration change notifications. ---> Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADOperationException: Active Directory server is not available. Error message: The supplied credential is invalid. ---> System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapException: The supplied credential is invalid. at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.BindHelper(NetworkCredential newCredential, Boolean needSetCredential) at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.Bind() at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.PooledLdapConnection.BindWithRetry(Int32 maxRetries) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.PooledLdapConnection.BindWithRetry(Int32 maxRetries) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.LdapConnectionPool.CreateOneTimeConnection(NetworkCredential networkCredential, ADServerInfo serverInfo) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.TopologyProvider.PopulateConfigNamingContexts() at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.GetConnection(String preferredServer, Boolean isWriteOperation, Boolean isNotifyOperation, ADObjectId& rootId, Int32& maxRetries) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.Find(ADObjectId rootId, String optionalBaseDN, ADObjectId readId, QueryScope scope, QueryFilter filter, SortBy sortBy, Int32 maxResults, IEnumerable`1 properties, CreateObjectDelegate objectCtor, CreateObjectsDelegate arrayCtor) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.ADSystemConfigurationSession.Microsoft.Exchange.Data.IConfigDataProvider.Find[T](QueryFilter filter, ObjectId rootId, Boolean deepSearch, SortBy sortBy) at Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.Rules.ADRuleStorageManager..ctor(String ruleCollectionName, IConfigDataProvider session) at Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.TransportRuleAgent.TransportRuleAgentFactory.RegisterConfigurationChangeHandlers() at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADNotificationAdapter.RunADOperation(ADOperation adOperation, Int32 retryCount) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADNotificationAdapter.TryRunADOperation(ADOperation adOperation, Int32 retryCount) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.Exchange.MessagingPolicies.TransportRuleAgent.TransportRuleAgentFactory..ctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Internal.MExRuntime.FactoryTable.CreateAgentFactory(AgentInfo agentInfo) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Internal.MExRuntime.FactoryTable..ctor(IEnumerable agents) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Internal.MExRuntime.RuntimeSettings..ctor(MExConfiguration config, String agentGroup) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Internal.MExRuntime.MExRuntime.Initialize(String configFile, String agentGroup) at Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Categorizer.MExEvents.Initialize(String configFilePath) at Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Components.CategorizerMExRuntimeLoader.Load() For more information, see Help and Support Center at Am I misssing something? Thanks Hemant
October 12th, 2006 11:35am

I am getting all exact same errors for the second time. Last time I rebuilt AD , not doing that again. Just modifying this post.........I changed the username of the service to domain admin a/c and it started.
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October 26th, 2006 5:24pm

That service is supposed to run under the NetworkService account, and not under a user account, let alone a domain administrator account. See more information.
October 27th, 2006 1:27am

thanks Scott, I know that but it was the only work around rather than rebuilding AD, just for testing anyways ! Hopefully GA code won't have the issue :o)
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October 27th, 2006 9:49pm

This may be of use:If you are using an existing mail system (non-Microsoft) make sure you disable these first or the Transport service will fail. For example, if you use Matrix Control Panel with Matrix Mail, stop in the panel then stop the service. Transport will now start!
February 11th, 2007 5:53pm

I had installed Exchange 2007 Beta on Windows 2003 SP 1 before but on Windows 2003 SP 2 R2 I am having that Hub Transport Role with MSExchange Transport service failed to load problem. Has anyone resolved that?
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December 11th, 2007 6:50am

I was expeiencing same issue and it got resolved by putting network service account as Log On tab for the Microsoft Exchange Transport Service. regards, Invincible
September 7th, 2011 8:38am

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