set-outlookprovider -identity EXPR -TTL 0 What happens if we set TTL to 0? Outlook will not update the msstd: proxy url? please clarify
June 12th, 2012 10:42am

Hi If the value is 0 the autodiscover will not rediscover the values configured so they will be valid permanently. Steve ETA: the TTL value only applies to Autodiscover.
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June 12th, 2012 10:54am

Thanks Steve. Outlook is updating the "msstd:" URL from server, how can we stop updating the URL in Outlook? I have updated the URL manually in Outlook but after a while the URL gets changed.
June 12th, 2012 11:43am

Autodiscover will update those settings periodically. Can you not just set the correct URL on the server?
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June 12th, 2012 11:52am

Pradeep, if you do not want this URL to be automatically updated on your outlook configured using outlook anywhere, run the following command Set-OutlookProvider expr -CertPrincipleName $null Refer ->
June 12th, 2012 12:04pm

Sandeep, Already the certprincipalname is set to null. But, CAS is pushing the FQDN of Outlook Anywhere.
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June 12th, 2012 1:33pm

Hi Pradeep, I would not suggesst you manually configure the URL for the outlook anywhere. The ttl value means that the period of the outlook would rediscover the service, but if set the ttl value as 0, not means outlook would not auto get the url, if we start the outlook, outlook would always get the proper information, you have published. Regards!Gavin TechNet Community Support
June 15th, 2012 4:58am

Sandeep, Already the certprincipalname is set to null. But, CAS is pushing the FQDN of Outlook Anywhere. That seems to be normal. If set to Null then it should use the URL set on that CAS server. Why can't you set the correct URL on the CAS?Sukh
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June 15th, 2012 5:52am

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