Set Mail Contacts Syntax
Hi There
I have imported Mail Contacts and now I want to add Telephone Number, Country, City, Position and Department for the Mail Contacts. Can anyone please help me out on them.
June 7th, 2012 8:44am
do u have this details (Telephone Number, Country, City, Position and Department ) in a CSV file ?
or which format ?
Satheshwaran Manoharan | Exchange 2003/2007/2010 | Blog: | Please mark it as an answer if it really helps you
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June 7th, 2012 10:56am
You may have to set some of those elements as attributes of the AD Contact object: Telephone and City for example. Just glancing at the link above, I'm not sure they can be associated with the MailContact object. Please mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.
June 7th, 2012 10:18pm
Please create CSV which has Name, Telephone Number, Country, City, Position and Department
contact.csv | Foreach-Object{
$contact = Get-contact
-Identity $
$contact.CountryOrRegion = $_.Country
$ = $_.Position
$contact.Department = $_.Department
CountryOrRegion $contact.CountryOrRegion office $ department $contact.Department
Xiu Zhang
TechNet Community Support
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June 8th, 2012 3:17am