Setting up Auto-Reseed

I am configuring Auto Reseed with the following parameters.  Each volume contains two databases.  

AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerDatabase: 1

AutoDagDatabaseCopiesPerVolume: 2

AutoDagDatabasesRootFolderPath: c:\exchDBs

AutoDagVolumesRootFolderPath: c:\exchVols

AutoDagAutoReseedEnabled: True

AutoDagDiskReclaimerEnabled: True

Navigating to c:\exchVols\ExVol1 shows:

DAG1-01a.db (directory)

DAG1-01a.log (directory)

DAG1-01b.db (directory)

DAG1-01b.log (directory)

Navigating to either c:\exchDbs\DAG1-01a OR c:\exchDbs\DAG1-01b shows:

DAG1-01a.db (directory)

DAG1-01a.log (directory)

DAG1-01b.db (directory)

DAG1-01b.log (directory)

Event Viewer > Applications > Microsoft > Exchange > HighAvailability > Seeding

I see error event 1187

The Volume Manager found misconfigured volume "\\?\Volume{volume GUID here}\' mounted at 'C:\exchVols\ExVol1\'.  It does not have the expected number of database directories.  There may be older database files still present on this volume that were not cleaned up by the Disk Reclaimer.

In testing, Auto-Reseed works (starts after an hour) and fails over to a working volume.  I don't understand this error.  Following MS convention for auto-reseed, each DB mount point is supposed to have the .db and .log directories.  Two DBs in one volume will mean that four directories should be seen.  If I reconfigure to show only two directories (with DB and LOG as deeper subdirectories), the error seems to stop but then I get an event error 1111 that the directory structure is incorrect and that Automatic Reseed is not supported with an invalid path naming convention.

Anyone familiar with this?

March 27th, 2015 3:58pm

The Volume Manager found misconfigured volume "\\?\Volume{volume GUID here}\' mounted at 'C:\exchVols\ExVol1\'.  It does not have the expected number of database directories.  There may be older database files still present on this volume that were not cleaned up by the Disk Reclaimer.

Hi David,

According to the error message above, it seems that the older database files still present on this volume that were not cleaned up by the Disk Reclaimer.

I suggest try to formats disks in preparation for automatic reseeding. More information as below:

The AutoReseed component that allocates and formats spare disks is called the Disk Reclaimer. The Disk Reclaimer component automatically formats spare disks in preparation for automatic reseeding at different intervals, depending on the state of the disk. In order for the Disk Reclaimer to format a disk, certain conditions must met:

  • The Disk Reclaimer must be enabled. It is enabled by default, but it can be disabled using Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup.

  • The volume must have a mount point in the root volumes path (by default, C:\ExchangeVolumes).

  • The volume must not have any mount points in the database volumes path (by default, C:\ExchangeDatabases).

  • If the volume contains any files, none of the files must have been touched for 24 hours.

In addition to the above conditions, the Disk Reclaimer will only attempt to format a given volume once a day.




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March 30th, 2015 12:38am

Thank you for taking the time to write a long response.  All disks were completely formatted and empty before starting.  I tried clearing and starting fresh many time.  

April 7th, 2015 10:43pm

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