Shared mailbox e-mail notifications


We have a Shared Mailbox and have full access to it.  Currently, when a user(s) send us an email, the email goes directly to its Inbox.  What we wanted to accomplish is to have this email also forwarded to our own Primary Mailbox with a title not just a display coming From a User who sent the message but the Actual Display Name of the Shared Mailbox. I've already tried the forwarding feature in Exchange and it's working, but not exactly what I wanted.  The process that we have in our Lotus Notes before is when an email is received from this shared mailbox, let say, HELPDESK, the HELPDESK shared mailbox will then notify the Owner(s) of this mailbox on their primary mailbox (Inbox) with the display name of from: HELPDESK instead of the actual sender.  I hope, I'm explaining it clearly.  I was wondering if there's any feature in either Exchange or Outlook client where we could set this up, tha

August 13th, 2015 2:42pm

You could try setting up an Outlook rule on the shared mailbox that forwards the email to specified people. This will show the email as coming from the shared mailbox, but it preserves the original subject with a "FW:" added to the subject.

Other then that, you could look at the Outlook rule option to "Run a script" and create a VB script to do exactly what you want.  Here's a good article on this with several different VB scripts:

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August 13th, 2015 3:17pm

If the rule works and if there are let say 4 that have full access, is the rule that I will setup on my Outlook will also apply to the other 3, or perhaps it will affect their view as well? 
August 13th, 2015 4:11pm

You would need to setup the rule in the shared mailbox either by logging into OWA as the shared mailbox or setup an outlook profile with the shared mailbox. In the "forward to selected users" part of the rule you can choose the people who need to get the forwarded message.
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August 13th, 2015 4:39pm


Please do the following steps in Exchange side to have a try:
1. Create a distribution group for the users who have Owner permission to this shared mailbox:
New-DistributionGroup -Name Group1
2. Add 4 mailbox owner to the group one by one:
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity Group1 -Member ""
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity Group1 -Member ""
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity Group1 -Member ""
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity Group1 -Member ""
3. Set Auto-forward for the shared mailbox:
Set-Mailbox -Identity "Shared Mailbox" -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true -ForwardingSMTPAddress


August 14th, 2015 5:34am

Thank you all.  I'll give those a try.  So far, what I did was using the Transport far, it's working as expected. I'll share the steps that I did later. 

Thanks again.

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August 15th, 2015 4:51pm

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