Sharepoint workspace Workspace Groove malfunction


I've just start to use Sharepoint Workspace 2010 as a light sharing system with a colleague on an other location. We don't need a lot of power, as we just need to share a single Excel worksheet.

I've invited my immediate neighbour colleague to try on the software on local network. Everything was fine. Then, I invited the other person, and it was working for a little moment.

My two colleagues are able to share the worksheet without a problem, and the file can be found on a groove address.

When I try the same, I get an old version of the file, located in my local temp files (Users\appaf\AppData\Local\Temp\LCFEM\etc..).

However, if I choose to "save as" the file from the sharepoint workspace, I get access to the up-to-date file. So the problem seems to be in the sharepoint config, or in the way Excel open the file trough the workspace.

I don't have any clue how to get done with it, except one; I share my user account with another colleague on the local network. Maybe Sharepoint don't accept this and there is a conflict?

Thanks for your help,


February 24th, 2015 3:28am

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