Sharing a Personal Archive? Granting Full Access?
We've got a Personal Archive setup for an employee who is leaving in a few weeks. We'd like to be able to 'share' the archive with the employee's replacement however it doesnt' appear to be possible. We know we can grant Full Access to a mailbox however
the Personal Archive does not appear to work that way.Orange County District Attorney
March 13th, 2012 5:41pm
Hello Frank,
Well, I feel like a complete moron. I hadn't bothered to actually test my issue with adding a mailbox to my Outlook first. After reading your post, I did that and low and behold, there's the Personal Archive too. It works as expected.
Sorry for wasting your time.
Orange County District Attorney
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March 14th, 2012 11:09am
Dear Frank,
I've got a similar issue. I have a mailbox for colleting monitoring emails and reports. And I have Full Access permissions on that mailbox. Archive has been activated for that mailbox as well. And now I see the monitoring mailbox but not the corresponding archive
mailbox. What did I miss? Any ideas?
AlexAlexander Ollischer Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker (FH) Citrix & Microsoft Certified Engineer (CCEA, CCEE, MCSA, MCSE, MCDBA, MCTS) Afontis IT+Services GmbH Baierbrunner Strae 15 81379 Mnchen Deutschland Telefon (089) 74 34 55-0 Fax (089) 74 34 55-55 Amtsgericht Mnchen, HRB 109 005 Geschftsfhrer: Thomas Klimmer
August 20th, 2012 3:26am