Should I install Exchange again??
We have been having some issues with some of the features with Exchange 2010 that a previous person has setup.
Current issues are:
- Mail tips don't work
- Mail tracking doesn't work
- Out of Office doesn't work
- Can't share a calendar in Outlook 2010 only works in 2007
- Can't connect a Mac using Outlook
- Webmail options don't work - I keep on getting a login page.
My current version of Exchange 2010 is 14.00.0722.000.
Instead of trying to update the the exchange server and hoping that it would fix all my issues I decided just to create a new VM and just finished installing all the Windows updates. I'm now at the point to ready to install Exchange 2010/sp1 but I'm wondering
if this is my best options.
I have no idea what the other person has done but I have now inherited this mess and I want to get it fixed.
What would you do? Are all my problems related? If I create a new Exchange server, it is easy to move the mailboxes over? I'm at a total lost of what I should do so I need some suggestions.
Thanks for your help.
June 7th, 2012 1:48pm
All of your problems is realated and has to do with Webservices.
Probably some misconfigured URL for WebServicesVirtualDirectory. It also seems like Autodiscover isn't working for you and that is usually caused by using using a selfsigned certificate that the client doesn't trust.
If I were you, I would start by troubleshooting Autodiscover and you will get a lot of good information by running
Test-OutlookWebServices in Exchange Management Shell (EMS)
Exchange 2010 RTM hasn't been supported since October last year, so suggest that you install
SP2 and
If you decide to install a new Server (I don't think you need to) don't go for SP1.
Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 7th, 2012 2:09pm
I did as you suggested and here are the results and I'm not sure what it all means.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1019
Type : Information
Message : A valid Autodiscover service connection point was found. The Autodiscover URL on this object is https://Se
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1006
Type : Information
Message : Contacted the Autodiscover service at https://ServerMX2.msdk12.local/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1016
Type : Information
Message : [EXCH] The AS is configured for this user in the AutoDiscover response received from
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1015
Type : Information
Message : [EXCH] The OAB is configured for this user in the AutoDiscover response received from
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1014
Type : Information
Message : [EXCH] The UM is configured for this user in the AutoDiscover response received from
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1016
Type : Warning
Message : [EXPR] The AS is not configured for this user in the AutoDiscover response received from https://ServerMX2
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1015
Type : Information
Message : [EXPR] The OAB is configured for this user in the AutoDiscover response received from
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1014
Type : Warning
Message : [EXPR] The UM is not configured for this user in the AutoDiscover response received from https://ServerMX2
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1022
Type : Success
Message : Autodiscover was tested successfully.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1021
Type : Information
Message : The following web services generated errors: As,UM in EXPR. Use the previous output to diagnose and correc
t the errors.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://servermx2.msdk12.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx received the error The request failed wit
h the error message:
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to <a href="%2fEWS%2flogin.aspx%3fReturnUrl%3d%252fEWS%252fExchange.asmx">here</a>.</h2>
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1025
Type : Error
Message : [EXCH] Error contacting the AS service at https://servermx2.msdk12.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx. Elapsed time w
as 687 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://servermx2.msdk12.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx received the error The remote server retu
rned an error: (404) Not Found.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1027
Type : Error
Message : [EXCH] Error contacting the UM service at https://servermx2.msdk12.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx. Elapsed time
as 234 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1113
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://servermx2.msdk12.local/ews/exchange.asmx received the error The request failed wit
h the error message:
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to <a href="%2fEWS%2flogin.aspx%3fReturnUrl%3d%252fews%252fexchange.asmx">here</a>.</h2>
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1125
Type : Error
Message : [Server] Error contacting the AS service at https://servermx2.msdk12.local/ews/exchange.asmx. Elapsed time
was 31 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1113
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://servermx2.msdk12.local/ews/exchange.asmx received the error The remote server retu
rned an error: (404) Not Found.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1127
Type : Error
Message : [Server] Error contacting the UM service at https://servermx2.msdk12.local/ews/exchange.asmx. Elapsed time
was 0 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1004
Type : Error
Message : The certificate for the URL is incorrect. For SSL to work, the certifica
te needs to have a subject of, instead the subject found is ServerMX2. Consider corr
ecting service discovery, or installing a correct SSL certificate.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1028
Type : Success
Message : [EXPR] Successfully contacted the RPC/HTTP service at The elapsed time
was 374 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8bb48aa5-af3b-42cc-9144-611f95e942c2
Id : 1128
Type : Success
Message : [EXPR] Successfully contacted the RPC/HTTP service at https://servermx2.msdk12.local/rpc. The elapsed time
was 0 milliseconds.
June 7th, 2012 2:20pm
I can see that you don't have a trusted certificate installed, instead you have the one certificate that was created during the Exchange Setup.
This is something you should do something about!
The best is to buy a certificate from a trusted authority, for exampel
GoDaddy or Cerificate for Exchange and the names you would need is:
Common Name:
Subject Alternative Names: (if this your smtpdomain)
One easy way to create the certificate request, is to use
DigiCert's Exchange 2010 CSR Tool
Digicert also has some very nice guides on how to create the request and install the certificate, when you get it form the Trusted Authority.
It also looks like you have redirect configured for the Virtualdirectories in IIS. Go thru all of them, like OWA, ECP, EWS etc and remove it.
See: Simplify the Outlook Web App URL
Installing SP2 and RU3 will not solve your problem, but I really recommend you to do so.
Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 7th, 2012 2:35pm
So if I only have redirect on exchange, exchweb and public I should remove it? No other directories in IIS have this. Would this be causing all my issues? Thanks for your help.
June 7th, 2012 4:21pm
So if I only have redirect on exchange, exchweb and public I should remove it? No other directories in IIS have this. Would this be causing all my issues? Thanks for your help.
Sorry, I should have mentioned that those directories should have the redirect /owa
Can you run Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | fl Identity,*url*,*auth* and post the output?Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 7th, 2012 4:27pm
Identity : SERVERMail\EWS (Default Web Site)
InternalNLBBypassUrl : https://servermail.mdk12.local/ews/exchange.asmx
InternalUrl : https://servermail.mdk12.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx
ExternalUrl :
CertificateAuthentication :
InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity}
ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity}
LiveIdSpNegoAuthentication : False
WSSecurityAuthentication : True
LiveIdBasicAuthentication : False
BasicAuthentication : False
DigestAuthentication : False
WindowsAuthentication : True
June 7th, 2012 4:32pm
Where is the redirect from to comming from and why do you use port 80?
That is not a good combination with EWS using port 443.
I think you should patch your server. That might fix your problem with EWS, even if the above looks good but your test with Test-Outlookwebservices didn't. It really looks like you have a redirect there.
Message : When contacting https://servermx2.msdk12.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx received the error The request failed wit
h the error message:
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to <a href="%2fEWS%2flogin.aspx%3fReturnUrl%3d%252fEWS%252fExchange.asmx">here</a>.</h2>
</body></html>Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 7th, 2012 4:37pm
Identity : SERVERMail\EWS (Default Web Site)
InternalNLBBypassUrl : https://servermail.mdk12.local/ews/exchange.asmx
InternalUrl : https://servermail.mdk12.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx
ExternalUrl :
CertificateAuthentication :
InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity}
ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity}
LiveIdSpNegoAuthentication : False
WSSecurityAuthentication : True
LiveIdBasicAuthentication : False
BasicAuthentication : False
DigestAuthentication : False
WindowsAuthentication : True
Sorry, I missed that you don't have an externalurl configured. You should fix that
Don't know if it should be or https://mail.melbaschools.orgEWS/Exchange.asmx
That depends what name you have configured for OWA (or name you will have in the certificate you really should get)Martina Miskovic
June 7th, 2012 4:42pm
I have no idea why it's setup that way and the other admin got fired so I can't ask him why. So, I should update the server and see if that fixes my issues?
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June 7th, 2012 4:42pm
So, I have a redirect for OWA but nothing is listed. I removed the checkmark, now webmail isn't working anymore. I don't know what I should redirect it to.
June 7th, 2012 4:46pm
So, I have a redirect for OWA but nothing is listed. I removed the checkmark, now webmail isn't working anymore. I don't know what I should redirect it to.
I don't follow what you just changed, but you have a redirect. Can't tell where you is, but a redirect should be configured as in the link I posted earlier.
/Exchange was used in Exchange 2003, but should not be used in Exchange 2010. It's only for backward backword compatibility.Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 7th, 2012 4:53pm
I was looking at the OWA in IIS for redirection and I noticed it has a checkmark however it didn't have anything listed to the redirection. So, I removed the checkmark, restarted IIS and now web mail isn't work. So, I went to add the check mark
back but I can't save it because it wants me to enter something in for the redirection. The problem is nothing was listed so I don't know what i should be using.
When I type in it's going to . If I change the /exchange/ to owa, I can login to webmail. I can't figure out why.
June 7th, 2012 5:03pm
The OWAVirtualdirectory should not have a redirect configured.
Did you change /Exchange?
Hers's what that directory should be set to.
Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 7th, 2012 5:16pm
I was looking at the OWA in IIS for redirection and I noticed it has a checkmark however it didn't have anything listed to the redirection. So, I removed the checkmark, restarted IIS and now web mail isn't work. So, I went to add the check mark
back but I can't save it because it wants me to enter something in for the redirection. The problem is nothing was listed so I don't know what i should be using.
When I type in it's going to . If I change the /exchange/ to owa, I can login to webmail. I can't figure out why.
You have some redirect configured in a file in the Default Web Site. You need to find it.
/Exchange should not be used with Exchange 2010.
Have you looked in C:\inetpub\wwwroot ?Martina Miskovic
June 7th, 2012 5:21pm
Well, when I do that it still wants to add the redirect to the OWA folder.
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June 7th, 2012 5:23pm
Well, when I do that it still wants to add the redirect to the OWA folder.
When you do what?
Check the web.config in C:\inetpub\wwwroot ?Martina Miskovic
June 7th, 2012 5:24pm
When I put the checkmark to the http redirect. It wants to use the redirect for OWA,
I don't have exchange listed in web.config in wwwroot
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June 7th, 2012 5:27pm
When I put the checkmark to the http redirect. It wants to use the redirect for OWA,
I don't have exchange listed in web.config in wwwroot
Sorry, I don't follow. What checkmark?
See if this can help you find the file you do have with /exchange in it. Miskovic
June 7th, 2012 5:29pm
Okay, it's no longer redirecting to exchange but owa but now I have another issue. When I type in it's going to but I get an error saying the page isn't redirecting correctly.
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June 7th, 2012 5:35pm
Having a hard time guessing what you are changing.
I still see this:
..and /owa that used to work doesn't anymore.Martina Miskovic
June 7th, 2012 5:42pm
I went into IIS and looked for redirection. Under OWA - Redirections - I had a checkmark but I didn't have anything listed to redirect too. So I removed the checkmark and everything stop working. I then went in and added /owa to exchange.
I then looked in OWA and redirections and it had the check mark again with /owa.
Now I'm stuck. Webmail isn't work anymore and I don't understand why.
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June 7th, 2012 5:49pm
Any redirect setting on the Default Web Site?
Can you post a picture?
What files do you have in C:\inetpub\wwwroot ? Anyone that has ?Martina Miskovic
June 7th, 2012 5:54pm
See the section Use IIS Manager to remove redirection from a virtual directory
in Simplify the Outlook Web App URL and run the appcmd commands.Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 7th, 2012 6:00pm
When I add the redirect to the exchange folder, it automatically set the OWA folder also. Not sure if this is normal or not.
June 7th, 2012 6:08pm
Any redirect setting on the Default Web Site?
Can you post a picture?
Also, do look in the file IISStart.
On the site Simplify the Outlook Web App URL there are some good comments. Do run the appcmd command.Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 7th, 2012 6:09pm
Found it....
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=">
<p>Redirecting to</p>
What should I do?
June 7th, 2012 6:11pm
It looked like you had the Org IISStart still in C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Rename them.
Configure the redirection according as described in
Simplify the Outlook Web App URL and don't forget to run the appcmd commands.Martina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 7th, 2012 6:15pm
Am I removing the redirection or adding it? Also, just name the files .old, do I need to do anything else?
June 7th, 2012 6:21pm
Thanks for your help.
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June 7th, 2012 6:27pm
So, I have updated my exchange server to SP2 and Ru3. I noticed with the last update, it's now using https (before it wasn't) and the look for the webmail has changed.
Now back to my problems, I'm still having issues accessing the options in webmail, out of office and mailtips still aren't working in Outlook 2010. What could be causing this issue?
June 7th, 2012 9:26pm
I will work on getting a SSL cert, and post my result back in this thread.
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June 8th, 2012 10:18am
I'm at the last step of assigning the cert and I'm not sure what options I should select (if any). I'm sure I read on another site that I have to go into IIS and install the cert, but I see I have the option on this screen. I'm a little
confused by this.
June 8th, 2012 1:35pm
I got the cert installed, everything seems to be working. Now back to my original problem, OOO still won't work.
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June 8th, 2012 2:16pm
I noticed on Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | fl Identity,internalurl,externalurl I don't have a external URL listed.
Also, when I ran the Test-OutlookWebServices, I get the following error.
WARNING: An unexpected error has occurred and a Watson dump is being generated: Failed to find the mailbox. Mailbox =
Failed to find the mailbox. Mailbox = 'extest_5edcf4c44ec94@msdk12.local'.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Test-OutlookWebServices], MailboxNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.MailboxNotFoundException,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Sys
June 8th, 2012 2:40pm
OOO is now working in webmail, externally. It still doesn't work internally both webmail and outlook.
A step closer....
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June 8th, 2012 2:44pm
Okay, finally got that done. Here are the results. I do still have my old cert on the server that was self signed, should I remove it? How do I fix the service discovery?
RunspaceId : 100706ed-7076-4629-877d-d1f7b2a97382
Id : 1104
Type : Error
Message : The certificate for the URL https://servermx2.msdk12.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml is incorrect. For
SSL to work, the certificate needs to have a subject of servermx2.msdk12.local, but the subject that was
found is Consider correcting service discovery, or installing a correct SSL certifi
RunspaceId : 100706ed-7076-4629-877d-d1f7b2a97382
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting received the error The request failed w
ith an empty response.
RunspaceId : 100706ed-7076-4629-877d-d1f7b2a97382
Id : 1025
Type : Error
Message : [EXCH] Error contacting the AS service at Elapsed time
was 201 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 100706ed-7076-4629-877d-d1f7b2a97382
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting received the error The request failed w
ith an empty response.
RunspaceId : 100706ed-7076-4629-877d-d1f7b2a97382
Id : 1025
Type : Error
Message : [EXPR] Error contacting the AS service at Elapsed time
was 0 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 100706ed-7076-4629-877d-d1f7b2a97382
Id : 1113
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://servermx2.msdk12.local/ews/exchange.asmx received the error The request failed wit
h an empty response.
RunspaceId : 100706ed-7076-4629-877d-d1f7b2a97382
Id : 1125
Type : Error
Message : [Server] Error contacting the AS service at https://servermx2.msdk12.local/ews/exchange.asmx. Elapsed time
was 0 milliseconds.
June 8th, 2012 3:15pm
I also noticed this.
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-OwaVirtualDirectory | fl Identity,internalurl,externalurl
Identity : SERVERMX2\owa (Default Web Site)
InternalUrl :
ExternalUrl :
Should it be https?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 8th, 2012 3:26pm
The URL should be
Can you run the below command and post the output?
Get-ClientAccessServer | fl Identity,AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUriGet-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | fl Identity,internalurl,externalurlGet-EcpVirtualDirectory | fl Identity,internalurl,externalurl
Martina Miskovic
June 8th, 2012 3:29pm
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ClientAccessServer | fl Identity,AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUr
Identity : SERVERMX2
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | fl Identity,internalurl,externalurl
Identity : SERVERMX2\EWS (Default Web Site)
InternalUrl :
ExternalUrl :
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-EcpVirtualDirectory | fl Identity,internalurl,externalurl
Identity : SERVERMX2\ecp (Default Web Site)
InternalUrl :
ExternalUrl :
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 8th, 2012 3:40pm
Sorry, I missed a letter.
Run this again: Get-ClientAccessServer | fl Identity,AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri
EcpVirtualDirectory is wrong. Should be Miskovic
June 8th, 2012 3:42pm
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ClientAccessServer | fl Identity,AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri
Identity : SERVERMX2
AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri :
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 8th, 2012 3:44pm
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ClientAccessServer | fl Identity,AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri
Identity : SERVERMX2
AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri :
Looks good.
While you are checking your URLS...Do it for OABVirtualDirectory as well.
Did you recycle the application pool MSExchangeAutodiscoverAppPool in IIS?
Martina Miskovic
June 8th, 2012 3:49pm
Maybe I'm not using the right command, how do you set Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory and Get-EcpVirtualDirectory
I get the following:
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>set-EcpVirtualDirectory -internalurl
cmdlet Set-EcpVirtualDirectory at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
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June 8th, 2012 4:01pm
How would I fix this issue.
RunspaceId : 100706ed-7076-4629-877d-d1f7b2a97382
Id : 1104
Type : Error
Message : The certificate for the URL https://servermx2.msdk12.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml is incorrect. For
SSL to work, the certificate needs to have a subject of servermx2.msdk12.local, but the subject that was
found is Consider correcting service discovery, or installing a correct SSL certifi
June 8th, 2012 4:05pm
Set-EcpVirtualDirectory ECP* -internalurl -externalurl
Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory EWS* -internalurl -externalurl Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 8th, 2012 4:06pm
Okay, I got that all set and looking good. I did recycled MSExchangeAutodiscoverAppPool in IIS, log back in to Outlook still same problem. How would I fix this
: The certificate for the URL https://servermx2.msdk12.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml is incorrect. For
SSL to work, the certificate needs to have a subject of servermx2.msdk12.local, but the subject that was
found is Consider correcting service discovery, or installing a correct SSL certifi
How do you correct service discovery?
June 8th, 2012 4:27pm
Well, when I got home tonight and tried to access the options in webmail, it just goes back to the login screen just like work. Now, if I use Outlook light, I'm able to access the options without any issues. Does anyone have any suggestions on
why that would be?
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June 8th, 2012 9:21pm