Simple Display Name in Exchange 2003 SP2
I set Simple Display Name for my account to a test value.
HKLM\SYSTEM\.........\ParametersSystem\Use Simple Display Name was set = 1.
Exchange restarted.
I sent an external email and it displayed my test simple display name (expected).
A collegue, whose Simple Display Name had been left blank, sent an external email.
His email displayed his Account->User logon name (unexpected) rather than
his General->Display name (expected).
My expectations had been set from a post on
Purportedly from Robert Li(MSFT)
Microsoft CSS Online Newsgroup Support
which said ".... For external emails, we will see the Simple Display Name"
"for Sender. Only if the Simple Display Name has been "
"configured, the Information Store will use it. Otherwise, it will "
"use Full Display Name."
FINALLY, the question
Is there a means by which the General->Display name will be displayed in an email sent by users whose Simple Display Name is left unconfigured??.
July 11th, 2008 3:47am
The explanation from Robert Li is the standard answer on this issue. Until now, there is no any way could achieve your needs.
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July 15th, 2008 11:30am
hi Allen,
So are you saying that when Robert says "Full Display Name" he means "Login name" not "Display Name"?
July 16th, 2008 5:27am
Of course, the Full Display Name means Login name.
For the user who left the simple display name as blank, it will take the display name from its Logon name rather than Display Name. So far, there is no any feasible work arounds to resolve this issue.
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July 16th, 2008 9:32am
Of course, it sounds silly -but I accept thatto bethe way it is and Ithank you for your feedback in defining it.
July 18th, 2008 7:45am