I don't see where I can attach my xls, so it can be seen at ::
I believe I only need 4 relatively simple formulas, please advise, and
thanks - James -
1000+ rows
2) Columns A,B,C, E and F are free form, no formulas, pasted in
from another soure, will never change size or order
3) Columns A,B,C, E and F
are the reference, index or lookup tables 4) colunns H, M and Q will be provided. Free form, pasted in, may be in any
random order.
5) Columns A and H will must contain the same dataa, but may
not be in the same order.
6) column J will be be the same as column J, except
depending on column C will have a leading E or C (ie J4 should be C100003 and J2
should be E100005)
7) Columns A and H will must contain the same dataa, but
may not be in the same order.
8) Column I shuould be the cross refence of A/B
(ie I6 should be 100002) 9) Column M may have duplicate values (several people can have the same
10) Column N shuould be the cross refence of A/B (ie N6 and N7
should be 100005) 11) Column Q may have duplicate values (several people can have the same
default GL code)
12) Column R huould be the cross refence of E/F (ie R
should be R6 should be 31 So, 4 Rules (formulas), in columns I, J, N and R