I know that Lync will soon be rebranded as 'Skype for Business' so it would be nice if this was a feature.
A useful feature would be if you could set what your bitrate was for your Lync Video call. For example, I have multiple sites with synchronous 50Mbit connections, I don't need Lync to auto change the quality. I need it to remain HD. I have the bandwidth for it. I know other VC systems have the ability to set bitrates, so I think it would be a useful feature for Lync to incorporate. What do you guys think? Also, if we had CBR or less VBR 2-5Mbit. It would be a much better system for newscasting and the likes.
- Changed type Melon Chen CHNMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator 5 hours 13 minutes ago Not question or issue about product, but a feature request