Slightly OT: IIFP Attribute Change Question:
Hello The Brains Trust,
This is both an Exchange and an IIFP question..
Our organisation runs IIFP version 3.0.1032.0 andhosts the only install of IIFPthat runs both Management Agents for a GAL synchronisation. We are both seperate forests and exchange organisations and things have been great for 1 year plus now. An external two-way trust exists between domains as well as an SMTP connector between exchange organisations for inter organisational e-mail.
It has been mandated that we now both have the same primarySMTP e-mail address, however,our old primary SMTPe-mail address is still to exist as a secondary. The other organisation has this SMTP e-mail address as its primary.
Technical Problem:
Is there a way in IIFP to specifically define an attribute or other parameter so the Contact object in their Active Directory automatically forwards the mail message to our external mx server? We can delete the current SMTP connector at both ends of the exchange organisations.
Any help or ideas would be apreciated. Thanks in advance.
August 29th, 2006 3:32pm
You can change the GALsync code to add multiple secondary smtp addresses to proxyAddresses, but we'll have to refer to the Exchange forum for help with how to automatically forward the mail.
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July 26th, 2007 1:19am