Slipstream updates and SP1 to Office 2013

I plan to deploy office 2013 on multiple computers with windows 8.1 and would like to save the effort of updating them one by one later.

Also, I would like to save SSD space on the machines and not to fill the windows/installer folder with update .msi-s and .msp-s during the installation procedure.

My questions are:

How can I slipstream both updates and SP1 at the same time? (I tried to extract and put the entire package in the /updates folder, but only the SP1 got installed all post-sp1 updates are missed!) Is there a real slipstreaming method, that applies the updates on the image not just use them at the very end of the installation procedure?

I see the SP1's huge msp (and also of the unsuccessfully "integrated" updates) is sitting in the windows/installer folder. Therefore I am really looking forward to a real integration method, where all this fallout (~2GB) doesn't show up. Testing the stuff in VM (only win8.1 and office are installed) I deleted all .msp-s from the windows/installer folder and no office updates are shown in WU anymore. If that means my office is fully patched that's good news.

Thanks for any ideas in advance,


  • Edited by tamas970 12 hours 7 minutes ago
May 3rd, 2015 3:04pm

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