Slipstream updates and SP1 to Office 2013

I plan to deploy office 2013 on multiple computers with windows 8.1 and would like to save the effort of updating them one by one later.

Also, I would like to save SSD space on the machines and not to fill the windows/installer folder with update .msi-s and .msp-s during the installation procedure.

My questions are:

How can I slipstream both updates and SP1 at the same time? (I tried to extract and put the entire package in the /updates folder, but only the SP1 got installed all post-sp1 updates are missed!) Is there a real slipstreaming method, that applies the updates on the image not just use them at the very end of the installation procedure?

I see the SP1's huge msp (and also of the unsuccessfully "integrated" updates) is sitting in the windows/installer folder. Therefore I am really looking forward to a real integration method, where all this fallout (~2GB) doesn't show up. Testing the stuff in VM (only win8.1 and office are installed) I deleted all .msp-s from the windows/installer folder and no office updates are shown in WU anymore. If that means my office is fully patched that's good news.

Thanks for any ideas in advance,


  • Edited by tamas970 Sunday, May 03, 2015 7:23 PM
May 3rd, 2015 7:02pm

Hi Tamas,

So in addition to SP1, all others are post-sp1 updates?

After you've extracted the SP1 package, please try to rename the SP1 files to put a "1_" at the beginning of the filename to make the SP1 .msp files apply before the other .msp files, then try again.

By default, only one Setup customization .msp file will be applied during the installation. The remaining product update files in the Updates folder are installed at the end of the installation.

By the way, %windir%\Installer is used to store important files for applications installed using the Windows Installer technology and should not be deleted.

Let me know if this doesn't help.


Ethan Hua
TechNet Community Support

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May 4th, 2015 5:21am

Hi Ethan,

Yepp, the others are post-SP. I did the reinstall in VM, but the WU is still full of office updates, some were included in my installation package and omitted during install. I'll try to get an official SP1 .iso at least and use that as a basis.

  • Edited by tamas970 8 hours 36 minutes ago
May 4th, 2015 6:50pm

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