Some Conversations Not Grouping in Outlook 2010
I have just purchased outlook 2010 about a month ago and have already noticed that it is very quirky, and I am kind of disappointed in the performance of the program. I am a home user, and I like the functionality of Outlook as I am used to it from work and the ability it has to hold my contacts, calendars and emails all in one place.

Anyway, the problem I am having at this current time with Outlook is that the conversation function is not working properly. For a majority of my group emails (about 70%), the conversation feature works great and groups all of my "chain" emails between friends or family together (based on topic). However, I have been noticing a few email chains are not grouping properly. Sometimes outlook will leave one message out of the group or it just wont group the emails at all, and I am left with a cluttered and unorganized inbox.

I have done a lot of research on this already and have found nothing. I am aware of the fact that the conversation feature works off of the email subject line, and for the emails that do not get grouped in the conversation have nothing changed at all in regards to the subject line. All these emails are grouping properly on my iPhone as well, so Apple's software seems to be working with no problems.

Does anyone have any clue what else could be affecting some of my emails and emails chains from grouping with the conversation setting? Thanks in advance!
June 14th, 2011 7:35pm


Normally conversations depend on the subject line. When you try to forward or reply an email if the subject line is changed  then the conversation will be broken.

It looks like the conversation fields broken. You can't group by conversation/conversation thread fields so you can't create a group by conversation view - you need to use subject field. 





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June 16th, 2011 8:33am

Hi Harry,


Sorry I did not see your response until now.  However, as I mentioned the subject lines remain constant, they are not changed at all during the conversation.  I do have this update though:

I have noticed that the conversations that are not grouping properly are mostly due to responses by blackberry phones. When these people respond from their phone to a group email their message will show up separate from the conversation. If the next person replies to that email a new conversation group is started. Once that person with the blackberry responds back, again, their email is separated.

Anyone have any idea on why responses from blackberrys may be doing this?
July 6th, 2011 6:01am


I'm having same issue, did you find any solution for this?

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April 11th, 2012 5:35am

I have recently changed to BB from iPhone and am getting this problem too, why is it that emails which are sent from my blackberry (replies) show up in my sent item folders, but do not link with conversations of same subject line? I don't know why businesses pick Blackberrys over iPhones....I finding mine a pain for both work and play.
April 20th, 2012 2:18am


Did u find the solution for this issue?

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May 28th, 2012 11:28am

Nope - it's really annoying me and odd that aren't more messages on this
June 7th, 2012 6:07am

I'm having exactly the same problem. It makes grouping by conversation basically worthless. It started to become a problem ~6 months go
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June 26th, 2012 10:55pm

I too was having the same issue. Whenever i sent email from my Blackberry it would not group. Then i observed that the subject line was getting changed when i was replying. The Reply prefix 'RE' was getting changed to 'Re' and similarly 'FW' was getting changed to 'Fw' which was making the mail out of sync with other emails, therefore grouping by conversation was failing. i am now searching on how to make Blackberry reply to mails with a prefix as 'RE' instead of 'Re'.
August 27th, 2012 5:37pm

Hi Nalin,

I have noticed the same exact thing, regarding Blackberrys using "Re: " and "Fw: ", instead of "RE: " and "FW: ", which causes that email to be broken out of the conversation.

Have you come across a solution for this (whether by changing Outlook, or the Blackberry)?  I've just started researching this and this was the first post I could even find of someone else realizing this same problem.


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March 14th, 2013 1:46pm

Hi Rashiki,

I had thought i had cracked it until i saw that outlook does not limit conversation to subject line. I have seen emails grouped as conversations where subject line was altered. This means there is some control within outlook that is responsible for grouping email replies from Blackberry as conversation.

I haven't yet found solution to the usage of "Re:" and "Fw:" instead of "RE:" and "FW:" on Blackberry.

March 15th, 2013 9:32am

Hi Nalin,

Outlook 2010 doesnt group the conversation based on subject, It uses the message header (Thread-Index:) to group the messages. (Find: conversation)

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March 15th, 2013 10:01am

Hi Nalin,

Outlook 2010 doesnt group the conversation based on subject, It uses the message header (Thread-Index:) to group the messages. (Find: conversation)

March 15th, 2013 12:36pm

Hi Nalin,

Outlook 2010 doesnt group the conversation based on subject, It uses the message header (Thread-Index:) to group the messages. (Find: conversation)

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March 15th, 2013 2:28pm

I have been using Outlook 2010 for sometime now and this issue i never noticed till this week with 2 different emails. 

There is a thread-id in the headers which is different than the subject. Interestingly they were equal and it appears it was sent from an outlook client to me and didn't stay in the conversation thread like previous emails. One thing to note is i sent the contact 2 emails before receiving a response, not sure if that was the issue. 

Everybody keeps mentioning Blackberrys but i don't believe it is phone specific as this week i had one email from an iPhone that didnt group up either. 

Wish there was a solution to this besides organized folders and the search bar. 

October 22nd, 2014 2:49pm

Still no solution? Or has this been fixed in a newer version of Outlook?

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June 29th, 2015 1:38pm

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