I tried this idea from a prior post, but there is no dictionary file to pick.
Are there any dictionaries listed in the Dictionary List when you click
File > Options > Proofing > Custom Dictionaries? If so, please make sure the check boxes before these dictionaries are ticked.
Do you mean the Spell Check not working as you type or after you click the
Spelling & Grammar button?
If you mean spell check not working as you type, please go to File > Options > Proofing and select the check box before "Check spelling as you type".
If above didn't apply, please try to rename your Word template file (Normal.dotm) to Normal.old and then restart Word to check if it helps.
In addition, we can also try to run a repair of your Office installation to check the result. See:
For more troubleshooting steps regarding spell check not working, please refer:
Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft
does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
Steve Fan
TechNet Community Support

Marked as answer by
Steve FanMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 9:13 AM