Hello all,
there is a situation which is not described clearly. We have two data centers connecting by a VPN together. In both DCs there are two multirole Exchange 2013 Servers installed. We have in each site two Databases with crossover Copies of them in both DCs. A DAG is in place with Witness Server in DC1 and alternative Witness Server in DC2. DAG is in database activation coordination (DAC) mode.
What happens if the VPN connection is broken? In this case all Exchange Server 2013 stay up and running. If DC2 has the Quorum access all Copies of DBs will be up. On DC1 all DBs will be disabled.
In following article only a DC Switchover is described: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd351049%28v=exchg.150%29.aspx
Without having a third DC how it's possible to keep each local DB on DC1 and DC2 activated during the VPN Connection is broken? During this time Outlook Client should be able to open their Mailboxes on each site.