Suggestions on Moving to A Co-location Center?
Our company is in southern Florida and the owners want to move into a co-location center our of state and away from hurricanes.
45 employees on Exhange 2007 with an Edge server and things run fine.
So let's say we back up and move and after making all the DNS changes, is there any way for me to tell what kind of performance we would get with a single T1 between our office and the Exchange server.
Or, would it be better to build a client access server? I've never dealt with one but would it be a replication of the mail stores on the main server that would be in Atlanta?
September 3rd, 2008 9:04pm
If clients are running Outlook in cached mode there should be little performance impact in moving the servers to a remote location (remember also to add a domain controller in the remote location.
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September 6th, 2008 8:21pm