Tasks View Error in Exchange 2007 OWA
Has anyone else seen this in Exchange 2007 OWA?
We have several tasks. Some checked off, some not. Some flagged, some not.
When I click on the Tasks "folder" in the folder list it seems to show a larger set than if I click on the Tasks button at the bottom left (the large shortcuts).
Also when you click the link from the folder list and you see your tasks on the left the link called "Tasks" is highlighted (below the link called "Flagged Items and Tasks").
However if you click on the Tasks button on the bottom left (large shortcut), then "Flagged Items and Tasks" is highlighted on the left side. This is when a few disappear from the list. One that disappears is flagged but unchecked. Yet there are others like this that don't disappear.
Anyone understand this? hope this wasn't too confusing.
December 3rd, 2007 6:45pm