We have a co-exist Exchange 2010 / 2013 environment and we are seeing this in Event logs on our our two CAS only. These are in production but all data is still in 2010, 2013 just the proxy right now:
Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity-ClientAccessServer "RED-INF-MXCS-P2.esri.com"
5996 powershell.exe
The specified Client Access server was not found in Active Directory.
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=RED-INF-MXMB-P3,RequestId=a2c66548-3d38-4426-9314-7ff807213875,TimeStamp=5/18/20
15 9:33:49 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-LocalizedException] 18DA4E92,Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.TestMobileSyncCo
+ PSComputerName : red-inf-mxcs-p2.esri.com
- Edited by Mark Schuljak 9 hours 21 minutes ago more info