Track Accepted Domains
I use Exchange 2007 and I have in my organization 14 Accepted Domains. Some domains are upsolet and I need to "proof" it.
I wish to track a specific Accepted Domain for the inbound and outbound emails and get the time,, sender, recipient and the entire subject.
Would you I track and entire domain? because I tried the below command to track send eamil from a specific accepted domain but it does not work. Can you help me on that?
get-messagetrackinglog -Sender "*" -Start "01/12/2010 06:53:00" -End "01/12/2010 09:03:00" | ft Timestamp,Recipients,Sender,MessageSubject
Thanks in advance,
December 6th, 2010 5:05am
You'll want to do something like:
get-messagetrackinglog -Start "01/12/2010 06:53:00" -End "01/12/2010 09:03:00" -resultsize unlimited | where {$_.Sender -like "*"}
select-object Timestamp,Recipients,Sender,MessageSubject
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December 6th, 2010 1:49pm
Thanks a lot it did the job with the below command:
get-messagetrackinglog -Start "05/12/2010 06:53:00" -End "09/12/2010 09:03:00" -resultsize unlimited | where {$_.Sender -like "*"} | select-object Timestamp,Recipients,Sender,MessageSubject
Can you help me getting the full MessageSubject (without usinf the | fl)? Also tell me why I got {} in the Recipients filed?
I ran the same command with {$_.Recipients :-) it gives me a perfect idea now about the in/outbound!
Many thanks,
December 10th, 2010 8:15am